
Freedom as God's love

Five; Freedom as God's love A person's freedom is where a person decides everything he has given to God. Then I exhaust myself to that end. It is an indomitable way of life. However, in reality, it is not so easy for people to give themse…

Freedom to decide yourself

People throw away a lot of things. But finally, there is something that just can't be thrown away at the end. That is me as a person. Because of the fact that the person is dead, a person must take responsibility for the suicide even if he…

Freedom to decide yourself

Ojoh! (id:cyogiro-edoya01) Freedom to decide yourself Freedom usually seems to be one of two or more possibilities. In this case, people first feel that they are one step away from what they are trying to choose and have the neutral freedo…

The brightness that only lights up surroundings

二 The brightness that only lights up surroundings Life and understanding are inextricably linked. For example, eating. Put something in your mouth, chew it, and swallow it. If the result is good, we can understand that it is food. You wil…