
So his suffering and death became sinless

What is God's revelation trying to teach humans? We must make the two stages of truth and truth concrete. Speaking of the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ, first of all there are historical facts. It is the course of the journey and the…

Only part of reality, Only one side.

I have been thinking about these things at the birth of the Lord. The same thing can be seen, for example, at the point of suffering. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke all share the mysterious solar eclipse. It is said that the whole l…

「一家に遊女も寝たり萩と月」“Seven Five Three”

Also for the same one thing, you would enable to do various kind of semantically interpretation,too. There are also places where this is inevitable to.There is no malicious to another. Everybody actually wants to know. No one wants to make…

What it means to live

When people try to see something, they can always see only one side of themselves. Nevertheless, it is the work of the human head to try to see the whole meaning of the things to be seen while handing over the parts that are visible to one…

Interpretation of things

Still, so, can we see the "as it is" of things? It is difficult. Now we have to move on to the second point. It is the most unique phenomenon in this world that people know something. It is the work of the sense that starts from the five s…

Future is not ours

First of all. People's perception is like a picture. The photograph does not capture the image of the object "as it is". First, the screen is limited. There is no camera that captures the whole world, even in three dimensions( June,1979 ;J…

"as it is"

(1) What a person looking at directly, that must be only a part of this world. What part you look at and what part you do not see? It is decided from the following two aspects. One depends on the condition of physical and physiological rec…

5.Recording and interpretation

First of all, I would like to think about the truth and lie in communicating the events of this time and place in the world. As we have seen, the figure of the Lord "Christ" shown in the gospel is not a living figure of that time. Through …

Theologically it is.

After all, the figure of Jesus Christ shown in the New Testament is based on the experience that the disciples met with the resurrected Jesus. So it can not be so easily concluded that Jesus in public life had a glorious appearance as a ch…

A witness of the resurrection

(1) This sermon is not actually a record of Peter and Paul's story. Especially in Paul's story, there is no idea that can be said to be the core of Paul's theology. Paul who wrote to Rome and Corinth is different from Paul who is talking…

God released this Jesus

God released this Jesus Of course, this stupid stunt directly refers to the cross of Christ. But even then, if that figure had appeared as a glorious child of God before the cross, then such a sentence of Paul must not have been born. The …

Paul's conviction

That's a bit suspicious of how many people at that time knew that they were Jesus Christ and God of Jesus without the experience of the resurrection. This is not a thing that can be so easily decided from the beginning that it was like thi…

St. Paul also ties his faith in Jesus Christ

I wonder why this kind of thing is coming out here now. That is because the thing about Jesus Christ in the Gospels is written based on the solid faith that it is God and Christ from the beginning already. If anyone reads the gospels, they…

4. The Gospel and the Resurrection of Christ

About the Resurrection of Christ Now, let's think about the relationship between the whole gospel and the faith of the Resurrection of Christ that the Early Church had. As we saw at the Nativity, the figure of Christ in the gospel is not a…

The mind-heart relationship

The mind-heart relationship In the Gospels, there are several times and places where people can surely meet God. (1) Matthew 25: 31-46 "The one who made it one of the smallest, I made it." (2) John 12: 44-15 "Those who believe in me believ…

Bible is neither for a scholar or for a specialist simply read nor for you simply, also.

If you leave the troubled place of work and sink into the deep truth deep in your mind, you will see only half of the reality that God can see. It is good if you read carefully with a quiet heart and taste it with your heart, paying specia…

When you really came to live

In human work given by God, there may be something like grace that cannot be received unless we make an effort to do it well. The whole New Testament centered on the gospel is already so. That is the Bible, which was written out of that ef…

The grace of the Bible's divine feeling

The grace of the Bible's divine feeling The church has already walked the way of the cross from the beginning, having problems and not knowing what to do. However, as the church spread little by little and various people came to live in th…

So what does this light mean?

The condition does not mean that people calm their feelings, turn to the place they are reading now, read deeply and taste well. That is also important. But what I want to think about right now is not that you concentrate so mentally in yo…

3 Revelation in the Early Church and the Bible

Revelation of God, and say the teachings of God, something deep, easy to think, kind of secrets revealed. Something like the mystery principle seems to be written in the Bible. leave the lust, eliminate all my thoughts, a clean heart and a…

It is not

It is neither a good thing nor a bad thing. However, the Bible's problem lies in how many different interpretations this way are, as they are, describing the true appearance of Jesus Christ as it is. And the New Testament answers it clearl…

The limit of human beings

In other words, you only indicate raw facts, it does not mean that it still shows the whole fact, that's what it means. Only when you could show the correct interpretation available,it comes to that all the facts has been conveyed. Actuall…

Open your eyes wide open

Jesus of Nazareth (the interpretation to him could be different in various ways)around the Jesus of this one are the Pharisees, the Bachelors of the Law, the Pilates, the King Herod, the Virgin Maria, Relatives, 12 disciples, and even mor…

Interpretation for the disciples' life

Regarding the New Testament, its historical facts have been intensely discussed, especially on what is written in the Gospel. What is always a problem is that it seems that Jesus did not necessarily match what he actually said, what he did…

2 Facts that can be learned by the Gospel

First of all, I want to think on the meaning of fact. Because God feeling is a special encouragement from God to those who write the Bible, the true author of the Bible is God himself, and that book is free from mistakes. There is absolute…

a book of God feeling in the same way.

This does not mean that the whole thing written in the Bible has nothing to do with the fact of history. However, this historical fact is related to the center of the faith that the author is trying to communicate, rather than appearing in…

but the fact that it is the divinity of Christ and the fact that it is the Messiah (the Savior)

This new direction tries to make the place where the gospel writes, as a representation to convey the fact of faith, rather than as the historical fact of it. For example, there is a miracle. I can think about two things about how sickness…

Understanding of the Bible has advanced to a new direction

There is still more weird thing. When comparing the four Gospels, there are discrepancies little by little in the meantime. When the Gospel becomes accepted as a book of God at all 4, together. This discrepancy appears to be an obstacle. A…

Chapter 5 Living in the Lord Jesus

Chapter 5 Living in the Lord Jesus If you want to know the life of Jesus Christ, you must take the New Testament and start with the Gospels and read the whole New Testament. It is not enough with the Gospels. I especially want Paul 's lett…

5. Conclusion on Virgin Birth by Our Lady Maria

5. Conclusion on Virgin Birth by Our Lady Maria a. The doctrine of Our Lady's virgin birth is the divinity of Christ, the Son of God.For the person who does not accept divine nature of Christ virgin pregnancy, it's only in a mere legend or…