So his suffering and death became sinless

What is God's revelation trying to teach humans? We must make the two stages of truth and truth concrete. Speaking of the revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ, first of all there are historical facts. It is the course of the journey and the events that occurred. Biblical studies have come to understand that what the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles say about these things is not so much the true outcome.And that's not to say it happened by accident. There are also many places where the writer wrote intentionally twist out. At the beginning there were considerable stubborn ops for research on this aspect of the Gospels and Acts. It is rather natural, in the sense that there are no false bonds in the Bible. As the study and understanding of the gospel deepened, it turned out that there was no need to oppose it. Then we can see the second stage of God's revelation from here.

The second step is the more profound meaning of what the Bible wants to tell us, by arranging various materials. The meaning behind this is to show the fact of the salvation of Jesus Christ without fail. Jesus is at a glance, a poor sinner who was executed on the cross and was originally only the son of a poor carpenter.
However, the Bible is trying to teach this Jesus in a certain form that can not be misunderstood otherwise as being the child of God. This was not something that could accurately be drawn from the life record of Nazareth's life alone.

If the record shows that it is a child of Jesus God's child, it must have been something like the tragedy of the Cross. Everyone must have never thought of being the Messiah, the Savior, who he wants. Just by looking at the figure of Jesus, everyone had no idea who it was. The New Testament, however, teaches that this poor, poor man, the one who is bullied and punished by all, this is truly the Savior and the Messiah predicted in the Old Testament. It is one of the interpretations that it is the person of the sin who received the punishment of the cross. This man was resurrected on the third day after his death. So it must be Christ the Son of God. This is also an interpretation. Jesus was not killed, but he gave out his life, so his suffering and death became sinless. This is a deeper interpretation.

Thus, there are various understandings and interpretations of the life and death of Nazareth in Jesus. Then which of them is the correct interpretation? It is the New Testament, especially the gospel, that shows this. It is taught that only one interpretation that Nazareth's Jesus is the Son of God and Savior is an absolutely error-free truth.