
Author and Geography of Palestine

Author and Geography of Palestine So the person who wrote Luke's Gospel did not know Geography in the Palestinian territories, did he?That seems to be the way of travel. But there are also other strange things, also. The question in chapte…

The second part of the Luke Gospel;Travel directions

The second part of the Luke Gospel; The problem here, however, is that the second of luke's gospel (9; 51-19;27) is in the form of a travelogue that is brought together. I've been writing about what happened at each time and place. At leas…

Things to be forsaken; Traveler Jesus

Things to be forsaken;It took the form of "everything is over" (John 19; 30) of the Son who received the love.This breaks the narrowness of human love and reveals the infinite form of God's love. It is a place where understanding and conse…

Beyond the limit

(4) Beyond the limit That Paul is an apostle goes beyond the 12 apostles. He did not participate in Christ's public life, nor did he reappear. Besides, Paul who persecuted the church of Christ is still called as an apostle. Paul is an apos…

The work of the apostle

(3) The work of the apostle The apostles do not have a virtuous deed or contribution. It's really your achievement, but it's not easy to make it so that you don't hesitate to think so. Paul claims that he can only boast of his own weakness…

C. Be an apostle

Be an Apostle From the way of being as the apostle of St. Paul which i have seen up to now, it can be said as follows about the ideal way as a general apostle. (1)The Apostles do not have their own lives. The twelve apostles were to live w…

The Work of the Holy Spirit

b The Work of the Holy Spirit. There were difficult circumstances in the place where Paul was an apostle.Unlike the other twelve disciples, Paul was in a position not to be called an apostle.Still, Paul emphasized that he was an apostle, a…

But it's not because of modesty

But it's not because of modesty Even in Paul's case, Damascus's life spans throughout his life. Is Paul consciously trying to walk the road of Jeremiah? Or did it happen naturally? I can not decide anything. But what they have in common is…

Convert Paul

Convert PaulThis may seem like an easy thing to know. But paul's life the clock back,do not forget he had the fire is burning. The moment when he met Christ in Damascus, where the experience that the righteousness by the law ago it sought …

Apostle Saint Paul

Apostle Saint PaulUntil conversion, Paul has enthusiastically walked the Judaic path with absolute conviction.It suddenly becomes the opposite of it by the encounter with Christ in Damascus. I can't imagine what christ's experience at that…

The Lord's Disciples 12 Apostles

The Lord's Disciples 12 Apostles However, just because of it, you can't put clear away the church with management and operation just like as a mere membership club. Is it the true figure of the church that it is possible to reach to heaven…

The Lord's Disciples 12 Apostles

The Lord's Disciples 12 Apostles This is a pretty clean conclusion in theory.However, the actual church does not go as clean. If only humble people are true apostles, those who criticize the church from the outside will have much to say. O…

The Lord's Disciples, 12 Apostles

The Lord's Disciples, 12 Apostles In each case, however, the latter will be the first in any case of "doing it as an organizational entity or following the opinion with the Pope in the center". Otherwise, you will only accept the Church as…

Resurrection of the Lord and the Church

Resurrection of the Lord and the Church It is difficult to think about the age of Apostles from now. The details at that time were largely gone. There were many problems in the church at the time from the beginning, and everyone's opinion …

Lord and the Resurrection and the Church

Lord and the Resurrection and the Church On the contrary, it does not mean that you should start a big business for the people and give it to God. From the beginning, we will proceed with both half-finished. In the meantime, one deepens th…

Lord and the Resurrection and the Church

To receive the Holy Spirit is to be sent to the whole world for forgiveness of sin. This movement, which is constantly expanding without staying at one time, is the true form of God's life. It is the salvation of the soul that comes with t…

Lord and the Resurrection and the Church

The place where Christ of the Resurrection is extant in the work of the Holy Spirit is a church centered on the apostles. According to the Bible, we can not think of spiritual movements that only work for individuals. According to John's G…

Figure of the Apostle

Figure of the ApostleIn the beginning, when calling on twelve people, Christ simply says, "Follow me" without asking anything. Christ teaches us to be a true apostle with great patience. As a result, after the resurrection of the Lord, all…

The figure of the Apostles

B) The figure of the Apostles What is called to the apostles is to say and pass on the kingdom of God in the name of the Lord Christ, and to work for the salvation of men. This is the so-called authority of the called person. This authorit…

5;2 The Lord's Disciples 12 Apostles

(3 According to the Gospels, when the twelve disciples are called from Christ, things are quite easy to carry. The Lord calls on these people to follow, and everyone obeys as it is. And so, it is also true, although they followed it , they…

The Lord's Disciples 12 Apostles

According to the Gospels, the Lord Jesus first called twelve disciples, and these twelve men soon followed the Lord. The church has used the name "Apostle" specially for the 12 people from the beginning. The Church believes that these twel…

Relationship with the Old Testament

The parables of the Gospel scan have no relationship with the Old Testament. Master and servant, father and son, sowing and intake, fields, vineyards, sheep and ranches, banquets, weddings, lamps and oil, etc.The parables of the Gospel sca…