The Lord's Disciples, 12 Apostles

The Lord's Disciples, 12 Apostles

In each case, however, the latter will be the first in any case of "doing it as an organizational entity or following the opinion with the Pope in the center". Otherwise, you will only accept the Church as long as you are convinced, or you can accept your thoughts. However, the Church of Christ that the Bible shows is not due to personal consent or preference.
On the contrary, "It must be stupid to the Greeks and stumbles to the Jews". It is a tribute to the crucified Lord Jesus Christ, who is not convinced by anyone. This has already far exceeded the stage of simply operating a human group.

Be a witness of the Lord's resurrection
To prove the Lord's resurrection, this is another meaning of becoming an apostle. The person who simply states the facts of the resurrection of Christ in sincerely, this is the apostle. It is neither theory nor philosophy. It is to live the resurrection of Christ. However, the content of trying to be a witness is Christ's suffering, death, and resurrection. It is farthest from the world of common sense in which people live normally. As such, in order to prove that fact, it is necessary to live as a "laughing of the world," so to speak, not to fall in love with only the satisfaction and success of the world.

You don't have to be laughing at anything. You don't have to do a strange way of life. However, when it comes to whether or not to save Christ's salvation and live only in the satisfaction and profit of this world, or to abandon salvation and benefit in this world, to live in Christ's salvation, The proof of is the basis.

Alas, in this world, people tend to reflect the image of tragedy or downfall at the time of such divisions. But for the Apostles, this is a time of life. The point to be noted here is not how other people make decisions around, but the problem is with oneself. The church has decided something like a standard, and it is not the place to stone anyone who does not meet that standard. People just think of their own helplessness, and when God gives them witnesses, they only hope that they will be given the courage and strength to stay in their favor. Being an apostle is, above all, the grace of God. It is a way of life that can only be given to humble people who do not rely on their own power.