Resurrection of the Lord and the Church

Resurrection of the Lord and the Church

It is difficult to think about the age of Apostles from now. The details at that time were largely gone. There were many problems in the church at the time from the beginning, and everyone's opinion was divided widely. One is the problem of circumcision and the other is the problem of pork meat. It looks like nothing but boring things if you look now.
But for the early church it was a big problem. To that end, we hold meetings until now, and as a result, we discard the theory of those who are considered to be the absolute majority. Despite the big opposition, they have taken a new direction: abolition of circumcision and ban on eating pork.

On top of that, it is quite a surprise that Peters accepted and admitted as the Apostles Paul who persecuted and tortured the church until then. There should be intense opposition within the church. Paul writes the circumstances in a letter. But despite all the opposition and differences in opinion, the disciples are all centered around Peter at the end. In the end, they were united by "acting together and becoming a witness of the Lord's resurrection together," (Acts 1; 22).

What is clear here is that the Church of Christ is the last subject of humanity beyond individuals. In sociology, when it is more important than the individual or the group or society to which it belongs, it can only be said that both are equally important. People can only become real themselves after living on both sides simultaneously.

But when we talk about the relationship between the church as the body of Christ and each and every believer connected to it, we can not afford to bring the conclusion of sociology as it is. Of course, as the church is a gathering of people, the laws of sociology apply. Ignoring this, the church will soon become immobile like other organizations. But in the sense of faith, it is different from other groups, especially commercial and charitable organizations. As a group of ordinary human beings, there is a technology to manage it, and the church can not ignore this, also.