
Empty Tomb

(1) The early church did not consider that Tomb was empty as evidence of Christ's resurrection. Still, he has no interest in the tomb being empty. Because four Gospels show such an interest, it seems that Paul should think about the empty …

Resurrection as the end

According to the Bible, in Christ's resurrection, the final and definitive completion of this world has begun. In other words, this world saw the final completion of Christ's resurrection. So you don't have to look for anything more. Theol…

Christ's resurrection body

2. Christ's resurrection bodyEven though the Gospels write about the Lord's appearance, they say little about the Lord's resurrection. There are two contradictory things about writing about the resurrection. First of all, it is no longer t…

Corinthians 15

2) It seems that Christ himself often used the third day. “See, I will drive out demons today and tomorrow, heal illness, and finish the work on the third day” (Luke 13; 31-33).31 The same day there came certain of the Pharisees, saying un…

Corinthians 15

2) It seems that Christ himself often used the third day. “See, I will drive out demons today and tomorrow, heal illness, and finish the work on the third day” (Luke 13; 31-33).31 The same day there came certain of the Pharisees, saying un…

Corinthian Prescribe Chapter 15

Corinthian Prescribe Chapter 15The It is made up of two matters, like a pair of antithesis. First, Christ was "deceased and buried". Next, "Revived on the third day as written in the Bible and appeared to the disciples, " as written in the…

The Lord's resurrection reported by the Bible

1 The Lord's resurrection reported by the Bible The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the heart of the New Testament. The New Testament was written to convey the fact of Christ's death and resurrection and to explain its meaning. I…

I would like you to read Paul's letter, especially the Book of Rome

I would like you to read Paul's letter, especially the Book of Rome. Of course, there are many places in the Gospel that teach about living as human beings. But this ethical part comes from where we have already been part of God's life thr…

Existential understanding

3) Existential understanding From the teachings of the gospel, we sometimes try to read a kind of philosophical human understanding. The religious philosophy of Kierkegaard's religious philosophy, which began in the middle of the 19th cent…

Dramatic understanding

1) Dramatic understanding There Are Things in the Bible That It Tries to Say as a Bible. However, if the explanation which was understood later is added, and it makes it to the picture story or the long-form romance, it will become the Bib…

Misunderstandings about Passion

3) misunderstandings about Passion 1) Dramatic understanding There is a direction to see the part of the Gospel, especially the passion, like the development of one dramatic scene. To each person who comes out there, the person who reads h…

That Has to Be Like This

(4) That Has to Be Like This. At the time of Christ's resurrection, there is a story of two disciples going to the village of Emmaus. The Lord said, "Wasn't Christ always going to suffer these hardships and enter his glory?" Did Christ dis…

It is a devilish or destructive pleasure to taste for yourself what is good about you

It is a devilish or destructive pleasure to taste for yourself what is good about you In fact, here, there is a double of the waste. First of all, involved in the hassle not even required in addition, it must be used for the time and effor…

Christ said, "I came to serve, not to be served,"

Christ said, "I came to serve, not to be served," Nowadays is the era to worry about the discussion very much. However, while talking to each other, there are still points that cannot be understood by all means in the most important place …

This is not a matter of discrimination

According to the Bible and the teachings of the Church, the salvation of Christ must be extended to all. In a word, the church should not become a closed society limited to a certain character, a certain type, excellent education, and a ri…

The mission of the church is in the kingdom of God

The mission of the church is in the kingdom of God But the mission of the church is not to chase the bad guys to the end and to blame and kill them. On the contrary, you have to bring such a person into the life of God and save it. The Lor…

The opposite is the case

The opposite is the case Moreover, the Church does not leave this world. It is an escape from oneself that this world gets out of the narrow oneself, and it becomes a church. In order for this world to escape from a narrow self, the power …

The Passion of God - Affirmation of Human Reality

The Passion of God - Affirmation of Human RealityUsually, there are two types of thinking when it comes to salvation in general."Re-world type" The first thing anyone can think of is to improve this world. The first thing anyone comes up w…

The beloved God

The beloved God "For those who want to steal underwear ,with the feeling of giving him even jackets more ,that is a call to accomplish the work of salvation." Here is another way of salvation to God. It is a different path from human salva…

This is God's salvation

This is God's salvation “The gift of grace is different from the sin. The gift of Christ's grace is more abundant and full of many people” (Rome 5; 15). Because there is no balance between sin and the grace of forgiveness, it is impossible…

This is God's salvation

This is God's salvation “The gift of grace is different from the sin. The gift of Christ's grace is more abundant and full of many people” (Rome 5; 15). Because there is no balance between sin and the grace of forgiveness, it is impossible…

Not too much balance

Not too much balance;According to the Bible, during the Passion and Death of Christ,The love of the Trinity of God over the salvation of mankind appeared.In God's love, it was “should be”. But the Bible also teaches that the reality of hum…

Judgment of love

Judgment of love So, if you put everything together so far, what will the Jesus Passion and the judgment of God on the cross appear on it? Speaking of a specific person or the work of a devil does not really explain the passing and death o…

Big temptation

Big temptation The almost unlimited power given to humans. This is, by using a great deal, is intended to build a happy world.This great power has first of all exceeded the scope of personal life. It's too big for yourself or for the life …

The great power that God has given to humans

The great power that God has given to humans A human being created from God is much more powerful than a person thinks for himself. Humans are scary. It can also be devilish. At this point, you can find out thatthere are differences betwee…

The Fourth Council of the Lateran clearly teaches this

The Fourth Council of the Lateran clearly teaches this/ No, rather than optimistic, the world is making more and more creepy moves. Then, in the back, it seems that the wound that the human being seen earlier is divided is aching. From aro…

The difference between sin and the consequences of sin.

In addition, there is another problem here. At that time, I do not think that the Jew put the person to death by the only thing that someone is a Messiah or the child of God for himself.But none of the disciples have been put to death for …

the church is in the faith of the apostles

"Are you the Son of God Christ?" The reason for the death sentence against Jesus Christ is also strange. Did the Lord really say that he was the Son of God, and that's why he was put to death? But Jesus held his peace, And the high priest …

Who on earth drove Christ to death on the cross?

The One Who Crucified Christ Of course, it is a sin of the human race to say greatly.It was priests and elders at that time who put Jesus directly on the cross. So to speak, it is officials of the temple in Jerusalem.However, it is very di…

The Lord's love is judgment

The Lord's love is judgmentIt is often said that the victory of the cross or the victory of the resurrection. However, this is not to be proud of the enemy. A man who has been snused from sin is nothing but to be made the best use of in Go…