The Lord's resurrection reported by the Bible

1 The Lord's resurrection reported by the Bible

The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the heart of the New Testament. The New Testament was written to convey the fact of Christ's death and resurrection and to explain its meaning. I want to think about the part of the resurrection from now on. Again, it can be considered from roughly two aspects. Like the outside part, the part that tells this resurrection is not a sentence that originally followed one.
Fragments are gathered together and put together.

So, first of all, analyze the character of those fragments used as materials, and think about how they have been communicated and how they have changed in the meantime. This belongs to the Bible study department. Secondly, you will consider the meaning of the resurrection of Lord Jesus, based on the study of the first Bible study. This belongs to liberal arts in theology. It is in liberal arts to think about the Lord's resurrection in Christology. But to that end, it must be based on Bible studies. Otherwise, there is a risk that Christology will end with a simple theory. So, first of all, let's consider the resurrection of the Lord that the Bible says.

Corinthian Prescribe Chapter 15
There are two types of parts of the New Testament that describe Christ's resurrection. First of all, a short form like a declaration of faith. "As Christ wrote in the Bible, he died for us, so he was buried, as he wrote in the Bible, he died for us and was buried, the Bible As I wrote, it was raised on the third day, appearing in Cephas, and then appearing in twelve people "(1 Corinthians 15; 3-5). This is not originally written by Paul. It is a prayer that has been praised by everyone in the church until then.
“What I told you the most important thing was that I had inherited it,” Paul himself said that he was accepted. In the early church, this kind of prayer was strongly advocated. It is the same as the current liturgy, chanting voices and proclaiming faith.