Freedom to decide yourself

Ojoh! (id:cyogiro-edoya01)

  1. Freedom to decide yourself


Freedom usually seems to be one of two or more possibilities. In this case, people first feel that they are one step away from what they are trying to choose and have the neutral freedom of being free of any of them. However, this feeling is subtly associated with the sense of superiority that you decide which one to choose. Moreover, which one to decide depends on the immediate interests of the person who chooses. There is a difference between likes and dislikes. Generally these things are cluttered together and generally called freedom. Therefore, it is common sense that there is no freedom where there is no choice. However, the idea of such freedom based on the vague sense of liberation is not really certain. Various problems remain there. If something like that feeling of superiority were to be free as it is, there would be too many unhappy people in this world who were not blessed with such freedom. 


The vast majority of humans who would have lived for two million years have lived a crippled, pathetic life with little choice.  

But can you really say so, To tell the truth, I don't think the human race of the past was so much crippled as it used to be. I also don't think that people are so free today. Moreover, the sense of freedom and superiority of freedom is a nerve. It may be a psychological state that can be produced by drugs. But such things cannot be substituted for the freedom of the personality to live. Real happiness cannot be confused with the excitement of one of the nerves of a sense of happiness. 


If human beings are the only high-quality creatures that have really evolved from the roots of nature, their liberty and happiness are considered to be one of the pleasant excitable states of the nerve, and this is considered psychologically. Appropriate pharmaceutically treatment is also possible. You can freely control the way flowers bloom and lay eggs by turning on and off the flowers and chicken, turning on and off the electricity, and by appropriately changing the light and temperature by adjusting the heater. We can operate humans to a considerable extent, and the technology must continue to advance. Give them vitamin supplements to make them work better. After that, you can give it a medicine that invites dreams so that you can enjoy a sense of well-being and liberation. 


Even today, there are many kinds of drugs such as alcohol and nicotine that manipulate the nerves in humans in daily life, and their consumption is also great. The nerves do not cause any suspicion even if the drug is manipulated and treated. However, this story cannot be completed by itself. All of this is a tentative story, if human beings have evolved in this wilderness and are merely the higher animals. Of course, human beings are highly advanced creatures that have evolved from this great nature. But that's not all. Human beings are given by God that they are more than just living creatures. This is due to divine revelation in the Bible and Church teachings. There is nothing more certain than this. Then, if we stand on this fact, humans are not just a sense of happiness and a sense of liberation. The human nature as a living body may be left with that. However, life as a personality is not something that can be managed by itself.