5;2 The Lord's Disciples 12 Apostles

(3 According to the Gospels, when the twelve disciples are called from Christ, things are quite easy to carry. The Lord calls on these people to follow, and everyone obeys as it is. And so, it is also true, although they followed it , they did nothing was understood. Over time, they came into contact with the patient love of the Lord Jesuit, and the disciples understood something little by little.

(4 The passion of Christ, the death of the cross, the resurrection, and the birth of the Holy Spirit completed the faith of the disciples who were brought up to that end.The disciples then began to preach the salvation of Jesuit Christ without fear. Being an Apostle is not for his own life. It is to work for the eternal salvation of the people around. It does not mean the greatness that the person himself is superior. It is all in his life to describe and convey the salvation of Christ. In a word, there is nothing left in the person. As the Lord admonished, the disciples of Christ must not turn to themselves (Luke 9:6). It is a severe calling.

(5 However, considering that he is a naked man who has nothing for him, especially for himself, may be the last way of life as a human being. It is not to say that other ways of life are boring. It is not so, and it is because the shape and the original form etc. of man's various way of life are seen in being an apostle.

(6 Actually, if it sees from the way of life as the apostle, it is halfway to have only a little thing for me, and to live for the satisfaction of my feelings.
It is only a convenience, and it is only a temporary one to confuse only a few decades before dying by something. It does not seem to have a too big meaning in the place where it lives for me if it associates it. Living for the last happiness and salvation of others, without for himself, is the only reliable way of life as a person. The end is not me.

He gives himself generously for the salvation of others and enriches himself so that he can give more and more. Here is the real life. It does not seem to have a too big meaning in the place where it lives for me if it associates it. Living for the last happiness and salvation of others, without for himself, is the only reliable way of life as a person. The end is not me. He gives himself generously for the salvation of others and enriches himself so that he can give more and more. Here is the real life.

As long as we believe in the preciousness of the personality that has received love from God, it is a betrayal to ourselves to live a temporary life for convenience. Property right is ultimately the right to give yourself to others. If you ignore giving and try to have something just for yourself, it can't be said that it's a property. Rather, it is like stealing, and it can eventually lead to ignoring the salvation of others.

The same thing can be said about freedom as person's right. It is not true freedom yet to be able to choose something. In the work of God saving the world, one can receive a call from God and put all of his life into it. This is true freedom. In comparison, choosing is only a small part of true freedom. Thus, being called as an apostle is the last way of life as man.