The Lord's Disciples 12 Apostles

According to the Gospels, the Lord Jesus first called twelve disciples, and these twelve men soon followed the Lord. The church has used the name "Apostle" specially for the 12 people from the beginning. The Church believes that these twelve disciples are the people chosen for a special mission. Later this one, St. Paul, is added to this apostolic column. Paul emphasizes in his letter that he is an apostle chosen from the Lord Christ.

In the New Testament, the appearance of the name "Apostle" is a little strange. This word comes out 79 times in total. In fact, there are two more, but their meanings are a little uncertain (Matthew 9:1 and The Apostle's 5:34). Matthew, Mark, and John's Gospels use the word Apostle only once. Paul, on the other hand, has used Luke's Gospel 29 times and Luke's Gospel 34 times. Luke was originally said to be Paul's apprentice. However, there is no actual grounds like that. However, these two people occupy 80% of the whole in the usage of the word Apostle.
I want to think about the meaning of apostle for a while in the future.

First disciples; As in the past, there were always many disciples around the way of some good people. But the disciples of the Gospel, the disciples of Christ, are in an exception.

(1 Christ does not require special talent or talent from those who become his disciples.)The Apostles had no idea about Jesus.
(2 Second, it is not the people's hopes or judgments that they will become disciples of Christ. However, it depends on the selection and the call from Jesus. No one can become a disciple of Christ just by wanting it from himself. There must be a call from God. A free determination from the person who is called is needed only in the place whether to respond to this calling. However, it does not become a disciple from me to the end.
Called to God, this is all of being disciples of Christ.