
IV The Reality of The Sermon on the Mount

The reality here is whether or not you can receive "The Sermon on the Mount" exactly as it is written. Can an ordinary person be able to actually live like that? Here is the problem. Of course, with the help of God there is nothing we cann…

lll "The Sermon on the Mount" assembly

It is roughly divided into approximately eight parts 1 Introduction 4-23-5-22 fortunate event 5 1-123 salt of the earth, light of the world 5 13-64 The Old and the New, Righteousness 5 17-48 It is doubtful whether such a break can really b…

So how did Christ talk about that “crossless salvation”?

As we have seen so far, it is very difficult to think of "the Sermon on the Mount", which is also known as the memoir of the Lord Jesus, as a record that gathers the words of the Lord as it is. Apart from Christ's death and resurrection, i…

The end of the world and the second coming of Christ

The Sermon on the Mountain is also written by solid faith,to begin with, assuming the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus and also standing on it to believe in an absolute god, the Savior Jesus. In addition, Christians say that they "…

His death and resurrection

This is important when considering "the Sermon on the Mount". There are few books which make the Sermon on the Mount independent and explain it as one teaching. It is certain that there is the meaning of each content and also the spiritual…

‖ Lord's teachings and deeds

When reading "Sermon on the Mount", there is one thing to remember: reading the Bible, drawing out the theory system of Christ's teachings, and assembling the doctrine of salvation apart from the death and resurrection of the Lord you can'…

The homogeneity

As long as God's salvation is of this kind of constitution, when reading the Bible that announces the salvation itself, it is necessary for the person himself to work seriously with his own real life and seriousness, it will be. What has b…

The immature disciples that appeared in the gospel

This fact, in turn, causes the people who read the Bible and wish the grace of God's revelation to think of something like a precondition for that. It is an effort for everyone to work on each other, as well as the whole of the place of li…

Ojoh's long-range story

What to think or how to conceive of religious matters A painful life for the previous 70 years of mission was necessary. In particular, in order to understand and accept this public life and the cross of the Lord in its true form and meani…

Ojoh's long-range story

The connection between faith and real human life In other words, interpretation and understanding of salvation of the Lord, received the 12 disciples, and that people around them, experienced of Christ's resurrection is stated. Therefore, …

Ojoh's long- range story

"The disciples who do not know yet." Of course, I can't help feeling and appreciate the words of the Lord Jesus only. However, even if only the word of the Lord or only the actual record is left in the Gospel, it is uncertain in double mea…

No adding to the "words of the Lord"

There is something I would like to remember once again clearly. The correct standard of the church lies in the faith of the believers. It may be said that it is a little overdone, but can it be said as follows. The standards of the church'…

2 Sermon on the Mount

The words of Jesus Christ from the fifth to seventh chapters of the Matthew gospel are called "Sermon on the Mount". It teaches the basics of life that people who want to live according to Christ should walk.And at the same time, this pass…

Ojoh!’slong-range story

(3) The third group, which serves as a reference for the writing of the Marco Gospel, is the record of Christ's Passion.This is also in the form of a series of records as the outcome of the Lord's Passion. But if you read it carefully, it'…

One long history in chronological order

(2) The second group of materials that will lead to the Gospel of Marco is the words of Christ and his disciples. It also has the character of defending Christian faith. These include, for example, the controversy that comes out at the beg…

In the Gospel, similar to "The Tale of ISE" can be found.

The material before Marco can be divided into roughly three groups. A group is, for convenience, there remains a trace in which things of the same shape and character are collected, and we think from that.(1) First, what gathered the words…

The material before the gospel had already completed

Let's think about the next thing here. How did the first Marco gospels were written? At that time, the author had collected as much material as he could collect and wrote the Gospel. However, the materials collected and used there are thos…

1 What the Lord talked about

Compared to his childhood, the Gospels appear to be much more detailed and much written about public life. But if you read the public life part carefully, you will find that it is not always the case. Again, this is not a series of stories…

It can be called "Jesus Record"

The center of public life is, for the most part, the Passion of the Lord Jesus, the death of the cross, and the resurrection of the third day. The Gospel also centers on these things. However, the gospel is not kept as an old record. Rathe…

3 The public life of the Lord Jesus

What kind it was the public life of Jesus Christ?This is important for Christology. So far we have seen the gospel telling about the birth of Christ and his childhood. It stands on faith presupposing Christ's resurrection and teaches that …

It resembles the life of Moses

Yet another look at the texts about Christ's childhood shows that it resembles the life of Moses in the Old Testament period.It is said that Jesus is the new moses. The people of Israel were rescued from the painful life of slaves in Egypt…

The Bible has aspects in common with the literary works of that era.

Most of all, looking closely at this genealogy, it extends to the names of some people who are ashamed of the Savior's ancestors and sometimes Gentiles. He taught us that God's salvation did not aim for weakness or opposition from the huma…

The genealogy of the Lord

(8) As a general summary of the birth of the Lord Jesus, I have explained that the story of the 12-year-old boy Jesus is in place. Finally, I would like to quote some of Schmau's text on this."There has been a lot of debate about the Lord'…

The truth of the Deity of Christ

(7) So far, from the point of view, the story of the boy Jesus is in the middle from Paul's letter to the Gospel of John. This is the first teaching of John (John 1-1-18). The clear theological wording of this so-called logos theology was …

Of course, this is a biblical reasoning

4) This is at the same time a reconfirmation of the mysterious events of the birth. It is a god, not a very ordinary person who was already at the age of a 12-year-old child, with a deep academic knowledge that is no match for a specialist…

Jesus is the Son of God (the Father), the Deity of Christ.

(6) It is not possible to decide now when it is historical or not. the character of this story, we can say as follows.Well, now I would like to think about the meaning of this story, which is why the author taken this boy Jesus in the temp…

"His childish mind grows and grows stronger…..

(3) At first, the nativity part was finished at 2-40.It is a clear break."His childish mind grows and grows stronger .... God's grace was on it" Jesus to the end of this way, authors brought a new story of the 12-year-old boy and he added.…

The Childhood of Jesus christ

The Childhood of Jesus christ described in the Gospel in Luke 2: (40-52) of the story one.This part is divided into three.(1) First, Section 40. "Young children grow and grow stronger, full of wisdom, and the grace of God is upon them."(2)…

The infallibility of the Bible

Thus, the question and revelation that spans between recording and interpretation can not be dismissed by either one or the other.The revelation away from the time and place of the world, that is a mere teaching, doctrine, or theory. It's …

The Son of God that it is the only real interpretation

In the Bible only like that an event of ‘the when and where ‘ even if it is told,this is revelation, too. Then it is a revelation as a record. But what God has given us is more revelation. Only the facts in the record are shown, and all th…