So how did Christ talk about that “crossless salvation”?

As we have seen so far, it is very difficult to think of "the Sermon on the Mount", which is also known as the memoir of the Lord Jesus, as a record that gathers the words of the Lord as it is. Apart from Christ's death and resurrection, it is not possible from the gospel to think of it as the teaching of salvation.However, the Lord himself did not mean that everyone would kill him on the cross during public life, but everyone believed in him as a savior, and it must had taught them there another salvation,different from that by the cross and resurrection. If the Jews Believed in that he was Christ (the Savior), as the Lord had always said, they would not, of course, put the Lord in crucifixion.

So how did Christ talk about that “crossless salvation”? There is almost no remaining material. The Bible and Church teachings that are currently given to us as God's revelation all preach Christ's suffering, death, salvation based on resurrection. It is said that Paul cannot teach other than the crucified Christ. The "Acts of the Apostles" written around the end of the first century is also the same as Paul. So "The Sermon on the Mount", written around 80 AD, seems to be more natural to think of as being left behind like it, because it relates to the death and resurrection of the Lord. But this too cannot be considered as writing down the word of Jesus as it is.

Of course, if you think that you write down as it is, you can interpret it or use it as preaching material. That may also be very meaningful. But also for that purpose, it is necessary to know in advance the original meaning of what it was originally written for what purpose. Otherwise, it will only be a coincidence that you just read and interpret it as you think. It is also witty and may be interesting. However, the world of certain facts cannot be opened from there. However, what the world of faith and theology really matters is the fact of the true salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ.