The end of the world and the second coming of Christ

The Sermon on the Mountain is also written by solid faith,
to begin with, assuming the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus and also standing on it to believe in an absolute god, the Savior Jesus. In addition, Christians say that they "share" in the death and resurrection of their Lord Jesus. It is based on the understanding of the faith of St. Paul. Here, too, there is something that we cannot simply say "the theory of teaching". In Buddhism etc., things like deep teachings may be considered. In Islam and Lao Zhuang, it can be said more clearly as teaching. However, it cannot say that in Christianity. Rather than teaching about death and resurrection, the character of "the explanation of the fact of the death and resurrection of the Lord and its meaning" is stronger.

Indeed, the Lord Jesus also teaches the disciples in various ways. It is not very clear from the current gospels what kind of teaching it was. The life-long words in the gospel and all that are said are all based on the Lord and the facts of death and resurrection. So we can not simply think of this as an overview of what the Lord has taught life disciples.Of course, the Lord Jesus must have taught us a great deal that it is not directly related to his death or resurrection. However, as Paul wrote, the early church who had confirmed that he would preach only the death and resurrection of Jesus needed to leave the word of the Lord unrelated to this conviction in the gospel. They did not feel it,also. In fact, there was no room to leave such stuff.

This is because the Gospels themselves are arranged in a little order in the memos actually used by the Early Church in liturgical and missionary occasions. There was no room at the time for the church to write down as a note until it was not actually used. At that time, the church firmly believed that the end of the world and the second coming of Christ were close, and that it was approaching tomorrow. For that reason, the desire to write a detailed record of Jesus Christ even in the last world was completely lacking. Still in John's apocalypse, that is to say, even after the end of the century, the expectation that the Lord Jesus will come soon and the feeling that this expectation will never be missed.

"Behold, I will come soon" (Apocalypse 22-12)
"If you are proof of these things, it will be better. I will come soon. Amen, Lord Jesus, will not come to you."
But in the second half of the second century, He felt like he had to write something like the record of the Lord Jesus.

However, at that time, there was no more material for this time.
Then, the four gospels are put together to make one definitive edition, and an effort to try to find out the reality of the public life of the Lord has begun there. But there is no trap for it to succeed. The Gospel is not a resource for such biographies.