His death and resurrection

This is important when considering "the Sermon on the Mount". There are few books which make the Sermon on the Mount independent and explain it as one teaching. It is certain that there is the meaning of each content and also the spiritual life there.

However, the Sermon on the Mount does not have a coherent meaning according to the explanation of the Bible study. From the whole of the Gospel of Matthew, it occupies a relatively broad place, but not as a whole.Therefore, it is said that it is not possible to interpret it together in one. From there, the system of the teaching of salvation or the one like the structure does not come out.

Here is another explanation. If you read this 'the Sermon on the Mount' carefully, it will only come out as a standard of ordinary life like ordinary ethics or life lessons. God's revelation seems to be something a little more profound, a mystical teaching that can only be revealed by God. No matter what it takes, Trinity (Trinitas), Sacrament, the teachings of the resurrection, the aphorisms and parables that the Lord has said, it can not be said that God's teaching is so simple.

Religious Studies have shown that something similar to this has long occurred in other religions as well. It is also true that they are in Christianity. If you collect only the lifelong words of Christ and add miracles such as treatment of various diseases to it, can it really bring out that it is an absolute revelation that can only be from God? I still have to study on this point.

But from the study of the Gospels and Paul's letter up to the present, such can hardly be said. This is true of the whole life of the Lord Jesus. After all, there is almost nothing left to try to think of the life's words and actions of the Lord separately from His death and resurrection. If "the Sermon on the Mount" is written in order to teach something organized, the heart of those who read it has no insult to hear that trying to teach . However, such an echo is not clear yet another.