Freedom as God's love

Freedom as God's love

A person's freedom is where a person decides everything he has given to God. Then I exhaust myself to that end. It is an indomitable way of life. However, in reality, it is not so easy for people to give themselves up to the end and give them all. Humans have wounds from the original sin. It is a crack in the personality itself. We have already considered this wound in the original sin. But now I would like to look at this from another side.

Human beings have various abilities. Various things are done in a way that encourages it. Around the livelihood of eating and drinking, learning and artistic things are spread around it. There are many other things in life as well. Joy and sadness, hope, success, failure, giving up, worrying, fearing, treating the heart. There is no end to counting. And so most of life is fragmented in such things. But is life so uncoordinated? I think there's something at the root of this that puts all these things together. Here comes the issue of love for God.

When people try to develop all their abilities and do all they can, they naturally fall apart. To do that, having 24 hours a day is too short. No matter how gifted we are, humans do not succeed only by talent. On top of that, there must be continuous efforts. Then, even if it works, one can only do one thing in a lifetime. What is more, it is extremely unwise to want to fully develop all the abilities given to oneself. Surely nothing can be made. Everyone ends halfway. There is a limit to human power. At least one thing has to be done. Then all other valuable abilities are wasted. Is that okay? This is a natural problem that will occur next. Here, one fundamental activity of life can be considered at the root of personality. It is a way of life in which all the abilities of the person are completely satisfied if they are fulfilled. This is God's love. Only God's love can save people. It is salvation from the hell in which a person is trapped only in his "drinking and eating".

Only in God's love can a person be generous and generous "throw away life for a friend" without hesitation. On the contrary, no one can be convinced of his life without the love of God. Fearing that I might lose, I must do it while exercising, but still. When this happens, life is nothing more than a day of disappointment, when something you don't want to give out. But God's love is not like that. If you live profitably, you have to sharply calculate what you give and what you get. It's a loss to give more than what comes back. If you have to live like this, life is boring. The point is not to lose money and to avoid wasting effort. But the Bible teaches the love of God and neighbors is not such a calculation. It's not a good thing to look at it in general, to give as much as you can without compromising the things that come back. Here is one thing I want to clarify. No matter how good a person is, it doesn't make sense. No matter how you refine your consummate, people are not saved by it.