
Existential understanding

3) Existential understanding From the teachings of the gospel, we sometimes try to read a kind of philosophical human understanding. The religious philosophy of Kierkegaard's religious philosophy, which began in the middle of the 19th cent…

Dramatic understanding

1) Dramatic understanding There Are Things in the Bible That It Tries to Say as a Bible. However, if the explanation which was understood later is added, and it makes it to the picture story or the long-form romance, it will become the Bib…

Misunderstandings about Passion

3) misunderstandings about Passion 1) Dramatic understanding There is a direction to see the part of the Gospel, especially the passion, like the development of one dramatic scene. To each person who comes out there, the person who reads h…

That Has to Be Like This

(4) That Has to Be Like This. At the time of Christ's resurrection, there is a story of two disciples going to the village of Emmaus. The Lord said, "Wasn't Christ always going to suffer these hardships and enter his glory?" Did Christ dis…

It is a devilish or destructive pleasure to taste for yourself what is good about you

It is a devilish or destructive pleasure to taste for yourself what is good about you In fact, here, there is a double of the waste. First of all, involved in the hassle not even required in addition, it must be used for the time and effor…

Christ said, "I came to serve, not to be served,"

Christ said, "I came to serve, not to be served," Nowadays is the era to worry about the discussion very much. However, while talking to each other, there are still points that cannot be understood by all means in the most important place …

This is not a matter of discrimination

According to the Bible and the teachings of the Church, the salvation of Christ must be extended to all. In a word, the church should not become a closed society limited to a certain character, a certain type, excellent education, and a ri…