Dramatic understanding

1) Dramatic understanding

There Are Things in the Bible That It Tries to Say as a Bible. However, if the explanation which was understood later is added, and it makes it to the picture story or the long-form romance, it will become the Bible even if it does not mean that the Bible does not say. Then what the Bible really wanted to say would not be conveyed. This is a shame. It is not very preferable to think that it really understood this time by a true explanation which is divided from the narrow experience of the person in particular. Of course, there must be a consent of the person. But it must be a convincing and explanation in which the disciples' faith in the Lord Jesus is clearly understood. What on earth was the salvation of Christ, its passion and death, and the resurrection of the third day? What did all the twelve disciples believe about them? What teachings did the First Church receive from the Apostles?  I want these things to be clear explanations. From the back to the front indefinitely use your imagination. It should never make the imagination work, and the romance that the Gospel did not think should be made to be. What the Gospels is not trying to say must be respected as not saying unless there is a good basis.

Similar to this, there is a temptation to take the Gospel emotionally. I try to feel in detail about each one. Joy, gratitude, inspiration, surprise, fear, anger, sadness, etc. Jesus Christ, the son of God, dies of pure heart, not understood by the world, is crucified, and is ridiculed by everyone. To those who hear this, they try to turn them into tears, sympathy for the Lord, resentment of hateful Jews, and the fervent loyalty that follows the Lord. There may be no other material like this to stir up people's emotions. But emotions are only part of the real world. There are deep feelings, too. But intense emotions and deep faith are not always the same. On the contrary, intense emotions can deceive people. The real world does not change with it though it is shaken by the storm of the emotion a little. The reality is harsh. It is not the one to be frightened by only a little determination and effort. It takes a lot of effort to succeed, even if it's trivial.

The Bible teaches that it is preferable for faith to be more prepared to continue simple and steady efforts. Even if You sell all your belongings
Buy only one precious treasure, or bear your cross and follow the Lord. At the Last Supper, Peter says to the Lord Jesuits that he is truly brave. "Even if everyone stumbles, I don't. But the Lord looked at another thing in the back. "I'll tell you, today, before the chicken squeals twice, you wouldn't know me three times" (Marco14; 30). At that time, Peter was going to obey the Lord, even if he really died. "Even if I have to die with you, I will never say that I don't know you" (Marco14; 31) But the reality is harsh. Petro's firm determination also easily collapses before reality. It is asked whether you are a friend of Jez, and it answers "I do not know such a person" three times by the person who is nothing. A person's heart is so fragile.

The deep desire to follow the Lord is not real yet. Man cannot be relied on by himself. In this way, even in the place of the passion, the interpretation which stirs up the feelings of the person does not grasp the main story of the Bible. Such an interpretation is certainly good, and there is a necessary time. However, the text of the Bible itself was not written thinking about such a thing.

2) Dissident understanding

Next, there is a fort to see Jesus Christ as one of the head of the anti-establishment movement.
In the powerful political economy, Christ stands up to protect the position of the weak, without succumbing to all the pressures from the regime, and it says he was captured and executed. Christ becomes the poor youth activist, comrade Jesus of Nazareth. There is another interpretation similar to this. It tells that Christ teach that the fight for freedom and equality is useless, and he is a traitor of the people who taught only giving up and giving in. Jesus is the Son of God and Christ. However, it is not an entrepreneur for the social reform, and it is not a philosopher who teaches only giving up and flexion. In fact, the reason for Pilate's sentence when he sentenced Christ to death was that it caused a stir in the world. But the Gospel selves does not acknowledge the reason for this ruling. The Lord Jesus himself was not trying to fight against the contradiction of the system of power and the society with power. He has not taught his disciples to participate in revolutions or guerrilla movements. It forgives even seventy times of seven degrees, the sword is put in the bag, and the enemy is made to love it firmly. This cannot be a social movement. Then, Jesus in Nazareth was no-resistance? I can't say that. "Love your God, the Lord with all your heart, spirit, and care" "Love the person next to you as you love yourself" (Matthew22; 34-40). You can't call someone who calls for such a powerful love as a non-resistance.