Misunderstandings about Passion

3) misunderstandings about Passion
1) Dramatic understanding
There is a direction to see the part of the Gospel, especially the passion, like the development of one dramatic scene. To each person who comes out there, the person who reads his feelings without permission, the person who reads it populates his feelings without permission, and the action is precisely clarify its point. Then, it becomes an explanation of the form like a historical novel. It is an explanation that the course of the thing is known in all.

I draw about those days in my imagination., draw the transition of each feeling and idea from the Lord, the disciples, the priests, the Pharisee people, Pilate extend to Centurion.
It draws the change of each feeling and the idea with a skillful hand. Then Jesus Christ becomes a noble idealist, a young noble child. In particular, the betrayal of Judas, which has a lot of mysteries, is a good material. It tries to solve the point why one of the disciples came to betray the Lord by a detailed psychological description interestingly. Pilate's wife and Magdalene's Maria are also described in various colors, considering various backside relationships.

In the end, a large picture story or a long-form romance will be created using the public life and passion of Christ as a material. Public life is a peaceful and heartwarming romance, passion from the second half of public life, the road to the cross is a tragedy of tears, and resurrection is a glorious drama. It is colorful and interesting enough as a movie scenario. However, this cannot be said to be a correct understanding from the gospel itself. The entire Gospel is a collection of fragmentary materials. The part of the passion is also a collection in the same way. And psychological depictions are forms of literature that the world has come up with long away from. You can't expect it from the Gospel. The author of the Gospel did not want to write such a thing.

In the end, a large picture story or a long-form romance will be created using the public life and passion of Christ as a material. Public life is a peaceful and heartwarming romance, passion from the second half of public life, the road to the cross is a tragedy of tears, and resurrection is a glorious drama. It is colorful and interesting enough as a movie scenario. However, this cannot be said to be a correct understanding from the gospel itself. The entire Gospel is a collection of fragmentary materials. The part of the passion is also a collection in the same way. And psychological depictions are forms of literature that the world has come up with long away from. You can't expect it from the Gospel. The author of the Gospel did not want to write such a thing.

This is well understood, for example, if you look at the text when John the Baptist is decapitated, written later into the Gospel. The beautiful girl dances cheerfully in front of you, and as a reward, John the Baptist's Head
And, the sentence before and after it is indeed unfriendly compared with this. In other words, the Baptist John's story was already a polished short story before it was incorporated into the Gospels. It is written to interrupt the part of the Gospel which had already been done. As evidence, the text before and after this part, Marco 6, verses 13 and 20, is connected as it is. The only interesting part of the Gospel is the Baptist John. On the other hand, the part of the passion is not like a story of a continuation. It will be. This new sentence is really interesting (Marco6;14-29).

And, the sentence one after the other is really curt way compared with this. In other words, John's writings were already polished up to short stories before they were incorporated into the Gospels. It is written as it is, to force its way into the part of the Gospel which had already been done. As evidence, the text before and after this part, that is, Marco6;13-20, is connected to one as it is. The only interesting enough thing to read in the Gospel is this John the Baptist. On the other hand, the part of the passion is not like a series of story. The reason is that the purpose of writing and the circumstances until it comes to be written are different.