
God who make the most opeople

God who make the most of people (3) So what about this world? If man went to heaven, would this world of nature be left behind and no more? Not that. Rather, in the country of God, this world can be what the future should be.This world is …

Freedom as God's love

Five; Freedom as God's love A person's freedom is where a person decides everything he has given to God. Then I exhaust myself to that end. It is an indomitable way of life. However, in reality, it is not so easy for people to give themse…

Freedom to decide yourself

People throw away a lot of things. But finally, there is something that just can't be thrown away at the end. That is me as a person. Because of the fact that the person is dead, a person must take responsibility for the suicide even if he…

Freedom to decide yourself

Ojoh! (id:cyogiro-edoya01) Freedom to decide yourself Freedom usually seems to be one of two or more possibilities. In this case, people first feel that they are one step away from what they are trying to choose and have the neutral freedo…

The brightness that only lights up surroundings

二 The brightness that only lights up surroundings Life and understanding are inextricably linked. For example, eating. Put something in your mouth, chew it, and swallow it. If the result is good, we can understand that it is food. You wil…

Brightness enough to illuminate your surroundings

2. Brightness enough to illuminate your surroundings In everyday life, people think a lot to live. Thus, if one's life is all about working and eating, then the understanding from the two previous points is sufficient. There is a desk and …

Freedom to get out of God and go to God

一. Freedom to get out of God and go to God Freedom is not just about choosing. If a person lives only in this world and can be happy Without being related to God, the story is different. At a time when people are free to choose what they …

Meaning of Ascension

Meaning of ascension As we have seen, Jesus Christ's ascension is closely tied to two things. One is the resurrection, and the other is Christ being raised to the right of Heavenly Father and taking the seat of glory. To separate from thes…

Ascension of Jesus Christ

Chapter 8 Ascension of Jesus Christ One Ascension-the teaching of the church Jesus Christ went up to the right of Heavenly Father after the ascension. That's what the church believes in. This already appears in the very beginning of the Ap…

The Incarnation of Mysteriyum

The Incarnation of Mysteriyum Since the Son of God came to this world, the partition between God and this world has disappeared.Jesus Christ is the center of this world.This evolving world is a great step made from God.It is a normal journ…

Jesus'self-understanding as a person

(D) Jesus' self-understanding as a personJesus was God and at the same time a real man.At that time, the human mind is different from the consciousness of divinity as a child of God. Consider a little more about Jesus' awareness as this pe…

Who is Jesus Christ?

Who is Jesus Christ? (2) Jesus Christ's human intelligence gradually awakens and grows as he walks through his life. It cannot be said that the appearance and shape of a child, even if it is a child, was all omnipotent and knowledgeable, …

Jesus Christ’s resurrection in history, Bible, and religion

Jesus Christ’s resurrection in history, Bible, and religion Next, let’s think about the whole of the Christianity and the relations with resurrection of Christ. I want to consider more widely while putting the center for the resurrection b…

Death witness of the Lord's resurrection 

F Death witness of the Lord's resurrection What does this death really mean to me? It is not possible to know the details in advance. A man's mission is his own. The death whose mission is finally completed is also more and more exclusive …

e. Testimony of the Lord's Resurrection

As long as it is sustainable to Christ's death, one can love God and neighbors "with all my heart, with care, with all my strength". And that's the salvation from hell trapped in your narrow Ego. This salvation cannot be done without some …

Death in Christ

D Death in ChristUntil then, suffering and death were only sad ends, where the life of this world would soon disappear. The suffering and death in Christ is to be one with the Son who dedicates himself to the Father on the cross and to sha…

The Successful Death

Jesus Christ lived as a human being, like everyone. He died worse, suffering worse than ordinary people. This suffering and death was not from his own inconvenience. When the sins of this world appeared in suffering and death, the Lord too…

Successful Death

C. Successful deathSo what does it mean to testify of Jesus who died on the cross? Now consider the difference between the death of Jesus and the death of others. Until now everyone has died. From now on, everyone must die without exceptio…

The Lord cried, "Why have you forsaken me?"

The Lord cried, "Why have you forsaken me?" The testimony of the Lord Jesus performed for the Father ended in the face of this world with passion and death on the cross. In the same way, the disciples go just before the world to the point …


Four John21; 1-23 This is almost the entire chapter 21.It is made up of three parts.1. Disciple goes fishing on Lake Tiberias.At dawn, the Lord appears on the shore and becomes a big catch (1-14).2.The Lord gives Petro first place and leav…

Things that cannot be separated

b. Things that cannot be separatedThere are aspects of the Lord's suffering that can only be expressed in terms of resurrection, not just pain. There is also a depth in the resurrection that can only be manifested as painful suffering, bey…