Things that cannot be separated

b. Things that cannot be separated
There are aspects of the Lord's suffering that can only be expressed in terms of resurrection, not just pain. There is also a depth in the resurrection that can only be manifested as painful suffering, beyond the glow of light and joy. This is not just a play of words. Unless this is acknowledged, the suffering of the suffering is an indispensable evil only for the joy and glory of the resurrection. God would then become a very nasty man who would let the joy of the resurrection dazzle in front of others, but endure the painful life on earth calmly if he wanted it. But the Bible does not teach that. The Lord Jesus did not endure the suffering of Passion, relying solely on the resurrection alone. Every step of his suffering was surely fulfilled and filled, and at the end of his death everything was "achieved." Certainly, there was something that could be said to have been resurrected step by step at the same time step by step. This is not just a play of words, such as suffering being joy or joy being from suffering. Rather, it means that the life of human beings can be achieved in love, beyond joy and suffering, success and failure. In other words, there is a human life itself that is deeper than talents, personalities, feelings, etc., that is, the depth of life that can be said to be true existence. This depth fills in all that alive. It is a depth that can not be said in such a way that it is good because there is success and purpose of life, or conversely because it is miserable failure. There the salvation of Jesus Christ was accomplished. It is, at the same time, the starting point in the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ that every person is saved on his own. What we do now for our neighbors is salvation. The result is not a reward. The fact that you can live with your neighbors instead of living on your own is a reward. You will not be rewarded after doing so first. It is difficult to explain. One does not suffer from something as a virtue of passing away. If there is only such merit, there is no need to carry the cross and obey the Lord and forsake your life (Mathhew16; 24-26).
Christ's merit is endless. I hope that you will only have the joy of resurrection by its merit. But the Bible does not say that. It is the grace of God that Jesus Christ, as a whole, and especially the way of the Cross, is part of it. Paul also says, "I have decided not to do anything except Jesus Christ, and the Christ crucified." (1 Corinthians 2; 2). For Paul, the Passion of Christ is by no means a past. It does not mean that you will always be grateful in your memory so that you do not forget. In fact, it's not just about fulfilling the fate of the Lord or imitating the Lord. It is Paul's life.
In fact, it's not just a fake or a copy of the Lord's fate, it's not just a copy. It is clear from Paul, "I have decided not to know anything other than the crucified Christ." "There was more struggling, more incarceration, far more whispering, and more often than not, often death. To meet the hardships of the city, the hardships of the city, the hardships of the wilderness, the hardships of the sea, and the hardships of the fake brothers; In addition to all that, there are worries about the churches that approach me every day. "2 Corinthians 11; 23-28). But Paul doesn't see these as mere sufferings or hardships. That is the strength of the resurrection. "So for Christ I will be content with weakness and insult, persecution and alive.
For when I am weak, I am strong. "(2 Corinthians; 12-10). And just like that, we have to think about Passion and Resurrection. It's not just that the resurrection is a reward in the distant future, and that you don't lose your qualifications to share it now. Just as Paul lived the Lord's resurrection from this earth, everyone begins his resurrection in the world.