Empty Tomb

(1) The early church did not consider that Tomb was empty as evidence of Christ's resurrection. Still, he has no interest in the tomb being empty. Because four Gospels show such an interest, it seems that Paul should think about the empty tomb a little more. Paul lacks it.
(2) An empty tomb, a kind of place creation. It is a stage where an angel appears and explains the resurrection of the Lord. With the opportunity for Tumb to be empty, the most important thing is the fact of Christ's resurrection. Next is the angel. But this did not have to be an angel either. However, resurrection is hard work, so it seems that angels seemed more appropriate than ordinary people. Finally, the tomb was empty. This is just one clue to let the angels speak of the resurrection of the Lord. I don't even think of the Bible as if I didn't believe it. But there is a reason. Did an angel really appear? If you compare the number of angels in the four Gospels, you will feel a little nervous. For the person who actually wrote this place, it did not matter whether there was one angel or two. He knows the number of angels in the Gospels before he used it as a source, and he would increase the number or even end up with the Lord jesus. In the end, the authors didn't care about angels. In short, if the fact of Christ's resurrection could be drawn through the angel's mouth, the purpose was achieved. Nor can it be said that Christ is suddenly back. It is presumed that the empty tomb was first brought out.
(3) Even the people at the time knew well that the empty tomb had no power to prove the Lord's resurrection. However, it is certain that the Early Church soon became interested in empty tombs. The four Gospels, in the order in which they were written, increase the number of angels that appear later and eventually even the Lord Jesus himself (John 20; 11-18). This indicates that in the early churches, the description of angels in empty graves became increasingly important. Speaking of the resurrection of the Lord, it would have come to an empty tomb.
As Poul wrote, the most important thing for the religion was the resurrection fact. This is an elusive fact that the figure of the Lord has disappeared from the world. However, for a religious life, I want something clearly visible and solid. Then, the figure of the tomb that has been emptied gradually emerges. Furthermore, the strength and grace of God in the resurrection of the Lord, the patience and heart of Christ the Son of God who walked silently to the point where he was buried in the tomb, and now the Church is in His path. These are all the pains of walking, and that is why we want to be resurrected together with the Lord and hope and expectation that we can really do that.
It must have been thought of as a memory in the image of an empty tomb.