Resurrection as the end

According to the Bible, in Christ's resurrection, the final and definitive completion of this world has begun. In other words, this world saw the final completion of Christ's resurrection. So you don't have to look for anything more. Theology calls this the end. Until then, I had worked hard and sought for perfection. The world is now complete with Christ's resurrection. It is said that the time of suffering is over, eternal joy shines from the resurrection of the Lord, and life of happiness has begun. This is not just Christ alone. The whole world died with Christ and was resurrected together. The Bible also teaches the deep unity of the Lord Jesus and his disciples, and those who believe in the Lord with them. "If the world is hiding you, know that you hate me before others; if the people persecuted me, they would persecute you." (John 15; 18-20). "You are the ones who have sneaked with me during my ordeal, so that my Father has given me control of the country, Entrust them to eat and eat at the table in my country, and to sit and judge the twelve tribes of Israel ”(Luke 22; 28-30).

If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.

If the resurrection is the only one, Jesus,
The Lord has only resurrected, and has only glorified his glory and power in this world. In other words, neither suffering nor resurrection was really necessary. Israel did not accept Jesus as a savior. So Christ wished he would quietly withdraw from the world. Even if the Almighty God boasts in this lowly world, it is nothing for God himself. When Passion and Death on the Cross, Resurrection, and Ascension unfold in this world, it is not for God himself. It is for the salvation of the world. The resurrection of the Lord is, like the suffering of the Lord, for salvation. In other words, this world can only reach its final completion in the Passion and Resurrection of the Lord. So the world doesn't have to look for anything but Christ's resurrection. God is everything in everything, that is the resurrection of the Lord.