e. Testimony of the Lord's Resurrection

As long as it is sustainable to Christ's death, one can love God and neighbors "with all my heart, with care, with all my strength". And that's the salvation from hell trapped in your narrow Ego. This salvation cannot be done without some form of suffering and death. In some way, he will die for Lord Jesus. It is wonderful to live your life and life for human society. That is certainly the path leading to the salvation of the Lord. But is that just a testimony of the Lord's resurrection? Eventually Christ will die. However, if one simply puts everything on one's ideals, it cannot be said as a testimony of the Lord's resurrection. And here we have to think about the relationship between salvation and the church. This relationship with the church is not just a business-legal relationship. Here, there are two specific relationships. First, Matthew's Chapter 10. "The one who accepts you will accept me. The one who accepts me will accept the one who sent me. (Verse 40). Then chapter 25." These who are my brothers I chose one of the smallest, that is, I did "(verse 40).

(1) First, it is a church that accepts those who have been given to him by God, that is, the church that appears in the prayers and realities of life. There is a church centered on the Pope that gives sacraments.
(2) The church as the "smallest person" that comes to life where people live and work. Neither (1) nor (2) can ultimately be selected by oneself. It is a concrete individual who is pushed out of this wide world to oneself by chance.
These two relationships cannot be combined into one. The church's sacraments themselves cannot do their own thing. The sacrament of the church itself. This is because they send people to the realities of their lives. I receive the sacrament. It is a contradiction that they do not go out to the closest, the smallest, who has been sent to them. This is the opposite, as much as contradicting that it works great in the real world but does not receive sacraments. The front only receives the sacrament and does not live as the sacra points to as a sign. It is a contradiction. The latter have worked a great deal in society to realize the high ideals, but it is somewhat doubtful that Christ's resurrection can be a testimony to the resurrection without sacraments. But these are just one-handed drops. Not all are meaningless. Eventually, based on these two relationships, the suffering of Christ and the death on the Cross will be realized in each person. There is a testimony of the resurrection here.