Death witness of the Lord's resurrection 

F Death witness of the Lord's resurrection 

What does this death really mean to me? 

It is not possible to know the details in advance. 

A man's mission is his own. The death whose mission is finally completed is also more and more exclusive to that person. But it shares the Passion of the Lord and the death on the Cross, thereby witnessing His resurrection. Here you can think of something fundamental, something in common. 

(1) It is the death of a tremendous love, showing a closeness to the infinite God. God asks for it at Christ. One gives to him all, and it is received as it is. This death does not necessarily take its breath immediately. Not an easy death. As Paul says, he died with the Lord in baptism and survived it throughout his life. It's terrible, but it doesn't calm the waves and it's deeply dead. In Christ it is called Passion and the Cross. There was a very severe death from the outside. In short, there is a horror at which a person surrenders itself and is robbed without a rest. 

(2) The suffering and death come from the person's actual life. It is not something people choose for themselves. It is not a kind of ascetic for discipline. Actual fighting. It is important to train your will and heart so that you can be holy. But what people can choose and decide for themselves is not yet the last for that person. At the end, it's no more your own choice.  


In the case of Christ's suffering and death, as the Father's will is developed in such a way that he cannot escape from the surroundings. It should have been. Christ's statement about his disciples is also severe. "Ye shall be brought before me to the ministers and to the kings, that they may testify against them and the Gentiles: brothers brothers, fathers sons. Give to kill, and the child will stand against the parents and kill them, and you will be hated by all in my name, but those who endure to the end will be saved. " Matthew 10; 16-23).   


It is especially strict to "endure to the end". People are crushed to testify until they die. Before the collapse of a person, the power of God's grace will reward the effort to make a "testimony", and if the splendid figure of the person is to shine, all must be willing to endure. That is how we stand in this world. But the Lord's words leave no room. Someday, if you have the sincerity, you may be able to understand. But this is not a Bible teaching. God ’s heart is everyone  

Before being sneered, Christ, the son of God, endured, as if abandoned by Heavenly Father, endured without saying a word.  

God's will was not understood until the end. If you do not endure that much, you will not be saved. You cannot choose such a last person by yourself.It is given only from God and from our neighbors.