Jesus Christ’s resurrection in history, Bible, and religion

Jesus Christ’s resurrection in history, Bible, and religion Next, let’s think about the whole of the Christianity and the relations with resurrection of Christ. I want to consider more widely while putting the center for the resurrection but without being kept all the more. According to the Biblical Study, are different from the agreement that is delicate between what I write in a life of Jesus Christ and the post mortem real course and a Gospel and Apostel line record. I had been thinking about this discrepancy so far until now. However, it was so to speak an extremely superficial viewpoint.I did not yet enter the depth to the deep place I must think about. But this might be, in the end, a “stumbling block” when you read the Bible thoroughly and try to build a religious life according to the teachings and guidance of the Church. We must think about it once more. Let’s take a closer look at what the disciples actually saw when they met the Resurrected Christ. This is complicated and important. Step by step, to go without gaps it may seem cumbersome. I may peckout the thing which sometimes itself hides inside. However, it is the place that is important for many minutes. I want to think about being able to do it without minding the trouble to the last.