Ascension of Jesus Christ

Chapter 8 Ascension of Jesus Christ
One Ascension-the teaching of the church
Jesus Christ went up to the right of Heavenly Father after the ascension. That's what the church believes in. This already appears in the very beginning of the Apostles Creed. But there is only one place in the Bible that details Christ's ascension. This is the beginning of the Book of Acts. "When he finished saying, Jesus was lifted to heaven in front of them, and he was greeted by the clouds and disappeared" (Acts 1; 3-12). First of all, I would like to think about the circumstances at that time, from where these sentences in the Book of Acts came out. That's all, what the disciples really saw that Jesus Christ went up to the Lord ascending to heaven. But, let's think a little more about whether or not I can really say that.

It seems that Christ's ascension was not initially included in the church's Apostles Creed. A very old form of Apostles Creed remains in the Bible. There is nothing about ascension there. "Christ ... was obedient, low-humoured, dead to death, and even to the death of the cross, so God raised him up and gave him a name better than all its names" (Philippi2: 8-9). "God has rejuvenated this Jesus, and we are all witnesses, so Jesus was lifted to the right of God" (Acts 2 32-33, 2 36, 5-10). According to these passages, Jesus was "raised to the right of God" shortly after the resurrection. In other words, the appearance period of 40 days and the ascension are missing. The sentence "Ascend to heaven" in the Apostles Creed is also very old. But the earliest Apostles Creed didn't have this. Apostles at the beginning
It was very short. There were five things in a simple sentence.
The father, the child, and the Holy Spirit. The fourth is the church. Finally, either the forgiveness of sin or the resurrection of the physical body. With this, there are five. Then the Church kept the correct teachings about faith, and gradually added a list of faiths that could not be yielded in the battle to find out the mistake. The present Apostles are much longer than the beginning.