The Incarnation of Mysteriyum

The Incarnation of Mysteriyum

Since the Son of God came to this world, the partition between God and this world has disappeared.Jesus Christ is the center of this world.This evolving world is a great step made from God.It is a normal journey toward Christ. Human nature Emerging from this step.So this world entered the final stage.Human nature combined with God in Christ, it will never leave.From the beginning, this whole world was created to be God's in Jesus Christ's human nature.From the beginning, we have been pursuing the grace of God. Originally there were no two separate worlds. From the beginning it was built in Christ to be one. God gave it to the world with grace. In this world, the god that gives us is passed into the free heart of a person. This step is called the history of salvation. This took a definite form, and God and man were brought together under Christ's persona, and the salvation of the world was completed. It's the incarnation of mysteriyum. So Christ's human mind doesn't have the feeling that a precious God scoops a humble man. On the contrary, devoting all of his own to God, which the Son of God he accepted it as it was. Jesus himself as a person, he has no choice but to participate in such a great grace. It does not come out. So, in the word of the Lord, jesus's own self does not come out oddly.

"'The one who believes in me does not believe in me. He believes in the one who sent me. And the one who sees me sees the one who sent me.' (John 12; 44- 45) .This is also a sentence, "It is weird that a person who believes in me does not believe in me. However, behind this, I can feel the feeling of Jesus himself who never thought of himself. In his heart, there was only his father and the salvation of the world. Jesus did not look back on him at all, but dedicated and handed it all to his father and neighbors. It was accepted by Heavenly Father as it was. This is the completion of salvation.
In this way, how was Jesus aware of the end, in which he handed himself over and left only Heavenly Father and his neighbor instead?. This is the teaching of “Kingdom of God”. "Time is full, the kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe in the gospel" (Mark 1; 15). The kingdom of God was first realized within Jesus. Everything as a person was entirely dedicated to God and neighbors. It's hard to believe that Christ as such a kingdom of God separated himself from the people around him and was conscious of himself as a single person.
In fact, no such words of the Lord that are conscious of oneself are found in the Gospels. The thoughts and feelings of the Lord's people are all hung on the mission of the kingdom of God. The salvation mission of the kingdom of God was all about Jesus as a person. The kingdom of God is not somewhere separated from the Lord Jesus. In Jesus himself, it refers to the reality that the human nature of the world has finally crossed the frame of myself and completely belongs to Logos, the son of God. The kingdom of God began in Lord Jesus. One can be saved as long as he participates in the kingdom of God in this Christ.