Jesus'self-understanding as a person

(D) Jesus' self-understanding as a person
Jesus was God and at the same time a real man.At that time, the human mind is different from the consciousness of divinity as a child of God. Consider a little more about Jesus' awareness as this person.The disciples called the Lord Jesus teacher. "You call me teacher or the Lord. Yes, that's right" (John 13; 13). This method of calling him a teacher is very natural in religion.
Naturally, we can think of people of the type like school teachers, religions, and representatives.In the case of a religious person, they are blessed with the talent and inspiration of the road, and they live by acting as an agent or a medium If you succeed, you will become a guru.Even if it is not, he will belong to one of the traditional religions and spread his mission.You are a so-called teachers. But the question is, did Jesus feel that he was one of those religious people in his own personal feelings? Did he take great pride that he was God, only himself was a true teacher, and all others were fake? When you look at Christ for a moment, it doesn't seem First that all, I would like to think a little more about normal religionists.One of the important things for religionists is the depth of the doctrine of God and life taught there and the amount of devotion they devote to it. But there is a gap there.There is even a gap between the teaching o f faith and the people who teach it.A deep teaching of faith, which, apart from the one who preaches it, is presented as an absolutely unchanging truth.The one who teaches it is the one who happens to do the job by chance. You don't have to be that person. Another person was also good.
This seems to be the case with the teachings of Confucius and Laozi. I don't think there is such a deep relationship between the teaching itself and the ones who started it, Confucius and Laozi. Of course, it was not possible for anyone until then to deeply enlighten and deeply understand that kind of thing, and to teach while living as such. Only a great person can do it. But still, the teaching itself is a general truth. There is no reason that no one else can teach. However, the figure of Jesus of Nazareth in the Gospel is not like that. It goes far beyond the Old Testament prophets and other religious figures. About this, Karl Rahner says three things:
(1) Jesus of Nazareth is not the person who taught the theory of religion. He did not preach the mysterious relationship between God and man, and even if it was clarified, one would be saved and be happy on earth. Not even Jesus, who taught me the tricks of life and the secrets of getting into God. Apostles Creed, which summarizes and clearly shows the church's beliefs, illustrates this situation well. There is no such thing as the principle or the secret of a happy life that ordinary people do not understand, and if they know it, they can solve anything. "Jesus Christ, and nothing but Christ crucified on the cross" (1 Corinthians 2; 2).
(2) Salvation by Jesus Christ is one of the many possibilities in this world. Why was it Jesus Christ's way, not the other way? This is due to the will of Heavenly Father. In this respect, Christ's salvation is not like a mathematical formula. All mathematical formulas are absolute. That's all there is to it. On the contrary, there was no other way than God's Christ to save God in this world. I feel like I haven't done anything until then. There must have been another way. Even if I became a person, I didn't have to be selected for the suffering and death of the cross. There may have been a more gentle road. Nevertheless, the Son of God became a man himself, and he walked the path of painful suffering and cruel crosses. Since then, the salvation of the world has been due to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. "God made this Christ, and it was made into an offering by means of its blood, a redemption that should be received in faith .... In this way God himself becomes righteous and justifies those who believe in Jesus" (Rome3; 25). -26).
(3) The salvation of this world was realized by the suffering and resurrection of Jesus himself. It is not some kind of ideological enlightenment, or salvation due to how one has hearts and feelings.
It is a reality realized by Christ's death and resurrection. In the persona of Christ, the Son of God, Jesus' human form was decisively accepted by God. Humans then arrived in Christ Jesus, where they had to go completely. It is no longer necessary to wander lonely in strange places of this world.
Let's reconsider salvation based on these three things.