Who is Jesus Christ?

Who is Jesus Christ?

(2) Jesus Christ's human intelligence gradually awakens and grows as he walks through his life. It cannot be said that the appearance and shape of a child, even if it is a child, was all omnipotent and knowledgeable, wisdom, and hope, and that the spiritual life was completely an adult. Of course there was revelation from the side of God's intelligence.
And it was as long as the Lord needed to fulfill his age-appropriate mission. The Father's will was not even beyond the age of his son Christ on earth. Moreover, it is revealed by the need only when the Lord walks down the path of life on earth and goes on to do various things.
As a person, the Lord didn't know his history on earth from the beginning. There was no such thing as a program or a scenario from the Father, and he was not moving his mind and body exactly. I don't think that is the true life of a human being. Jesus is not the robot of Heavenly Father.
(3) Jesus Christ's self-consciousness seems to have been quite different from that of an ordinary person. This is also very difficult to imagine. Still, we can think of it as follows. We think of it as an independent entity separated from the people and things around us. But this is rather isolated. Not yet true independence. One can certainly think of one as one and distinguish it from the outside. In a sense, this is where human cognition is excellent.
However, weaknesses from the original sin also appear there. According to the Trinity, God's three personas are not isolated without a relationship between them. Only in the relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit Persona, and their relationship to each other, is the absolute God of each and every three. Thus, a person is the image of the Trinity God. From this point of view, it is rather imperfect that one can think of himself as an individual and separate from the other, as one would think of himself. From here on, we can peek at two facets of Christ's self-consciousness, a bit unimaginable for us who are guilty of the original sin.
(1) Christ's "self" is himself as a child who lives an absolutely infinite life in the fellowship of love between the Father and the Holy Spirit. I wasn't aware of myself as I was the only person who was isolated and distinguished from the other two personas.
② The self-awareness of the Lord is not only in the Trinity, but around this earth
Among the people, they were also tied together. So I didn't feel like I was the only one away from the people around me. In this relationship with the people around him, the mission of the Savior of the Lord was embedded in an inseparable form. Normally, first push away the people around you,
I try to confirm "only me". Only after that, "only me"
Try to confirm. Only then will he attempt to accomplish his "work" or task in the context of the people around him. In other words, make the relationship between God and your neighbor after first securing yourself. But this is human weakness. The truth is that each person lives as he or she is because of the relationship between God and his neighbor. Jesus Christ doesn't feel like he's the only one. The Gospels show it well. "My food is to do the work and do the work only for the one who sent me" (John 4; 34). `` I did not speak for myself, but the Father who sent me commanded what I should say and speak, '' (John 12; 49).
(4) Finally, another thing like the conclusion.
The Bible does not shrink both the divine and human reality of the Lord Jesus. Both of them appear in one human being named Jesus and they are realized together. Jesus is really God. Also a real person. Therefore, Christ theory must keep this line. If one ignores or neglects one of them, the theory of Christ deviates from the reality of Jesus. For example, there are souls who only emphasize the fact that they are the god of Jesus and believe that they are the gods, but only the name. On the contrary, in some cases, Jesus is just a human being, and being a god is just an addition. This is not true faith. This is one of the essential starting points for understanding the resurrection and for understanding who Jesus Christ is.