Do not overestimate a miracle

The fact that Jesus of Nazareth is the Savior does not mean that Jesus was taught something like a secret about human salvation. It is said that Jesus himself is the salvation of humanity. This is the reality of all ideological, philosophical, and human interpretations that are not allowed in the end. The same thing can be said about the miracle. It is likely to become a fundamental reading difference even if it is in the Bible if this respect is not clarified. The difference in this reading finally becomes the conclusion that the teachings of the Bible are the same as the Buddhist scriptures, or that Buddhism is much deeper.

If the Bible is trying to convey some profound teachings, it can be compared to that. Christianity also has a common element with other religions as a religion. It might be able to be said that either is deep or shallow compared with each other. But according to the Bible, people are not saved by the theory of teachings or practices, or their practice. Rather, the salvation of man is only in the reality of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And, it is necessary to avoid it by all means to interpret this to the one like the theory or the principle.

Even if you think that way as a material such as meditation, you have to be fully aware that there is another real interpretation.

i A miraculous overestimate.
Finally I decide to want to avoid it as much as possible, and there is miraculous overestimate. With miracles in the public life of Christ, we can think to a certain extent that the Savior has overcome the power of the devil and shown the victory of the Kingdom of God. Clearly in Christ
“The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them.(Matthew11-5)”

However, it was not because of the mysterious magic of the miracle that Christ had actually overcome this world. When he thought that the power of evil, rather than death on the cross, crushed Christ on the cross and prevailed completely, the truth was that Jesus Christ prevailed decisively. The Resurrection of Christ is the appearance of the cross, the miracle itself. But also in this case, if we call the resurrection a miracle, one of the same things as the resurrection, the suffering and the death must be included in the meaning of the miracle.

For the resurrection of the Lord can not be considered separately from the death of the cross. The glory of the kingdom of God, or the Savior's victory, is not simply due to the cure of disease with transcendental forces or the driving out of demons. Here is where it goes beyond simple power relationships, such as those with strong power overcoming weak ones.
In other words, miracles are not simply the powers of Jesus or the magic of superhumanity.
Do not overestimate a miracle.