Freedom to get out of God and go to God

Freedom to get out of God and go to God

Freedom is not just about choosing. If a person lives only in this world and can be happy
Without being related to God, the story is different. At a time when people are free to choose
what they want from as many as they can and do what they like. I can’t think of any other
Freedom. However, people are not only living in their own world. Also, just living in yourself
does not make you happy. You cannot be happy unless you live with God and love him.
A person who is loved by God and loves God in his neighbors. Such human beings are more than just playing. Various things are lined up in this world. Since the items are lined up, it is quite natural that you can choose from them as you like. Whether or not this is done, people
decide it as they want. Then, you can call it the name Freedom.

But the truth is that human freedom is determined in the relationship of love with God.
From here comes that people do their best to love God. What does this all mean? Am I
weighing the human beings and God in the world and saying that they love God more
than anything else? There are misconceptions about loving God above all. God created this world around people. There is a limit to the world in which it has been built. Limited people cannot live by themselves, apart from God. This does not mean that humans and their world are humble or incomplete. On the contrary it means that happiness of the world in that we can only live under the love of God.

But on the other hand, such a reality makes it hard to think about the relationship between God and man. God is absolutely eternity. In the limited time and space of this world, we cannot think of eternal and absolute people. There's another complex thing on it. For all things in this world cannot be seen from God. The moment you leave from God will disappear. For these two things, human liberty must be fundamentally reconsidered.

(1) Human freedom is explained by saying that any of the many possibilities can be chosen
as you like. However, it is not the one that the explanation is attached only by that. Indeed, when it is not possible to fly anywhere like the bird in the bird cage, a wide heaven and earth of freedom seems very attractive.
But can humans be infinitely happy if they have unlimited freedom of choice and do anything they want? When it comes to faith, it seems that one chooses God, just so like believing in the Christian Lord, not a Buddhist guru.

But when you think about it, people are not choosing God. Only this one can be selected
for a person. The things in this world are limited. All are similar or choose. I don’t think it depend on which one is taken and which one is thrown away, and that alone will determine the final happiness and unhappiness of the person who chooses.
Of course, If we regard human beings as just living things, there will be a difference between being excellent and being an older, depending on the selection method. It is
a choice of what to include and what not to include in your life.
there will of course a little big gap there. However, it is a living thing, and it is very different from a personality. According to the teachings of faith, people are not just living things, Personality. A person can receive God's love and love him. After all the choice of what is under this world is nothing but the way of life as a human being. It is a little vague that if you choose from many, you will be happy and your dignity will be protected, and if you will not choose, your personality will be ignored.
It doesn’t that you don’t have to choose. I think that only the selection is all that really matters. I would like to clarify whether there is no freedom unless I can choose more.

(2) let's first consider the relationship between a person's choice and God. In general, God:
It is easy to think of God as one of them by lining them up with the people and things of this world in their dimensions. It is the way of life of ordinary people that they remember God in the meantime, because there are many things that people can do. But I don't think this is very right. God is beyond the dimensions of the world. It is not good to imagine God in some limited form, even if it is only in an idea. However, when a person imagines something or thinks, it can think only in a limited form. If you don't separate them, you can't think clearly. It is not possible to imagine it if it is not the one distinguished from the outside one. But God has no limit. In some cases, it is not convenient for people to think or imagine.

Of course, this world is not God. God and this world must be clearly distinguished. However, this distinction is of a little special nature. The premise is that one can be independent of the other without the other. But the relationship between God and this world is not so easy. It is theoretically not difficult to distinguish God from the world. There are some difficult points from theology. For we cannot afford not to think of the natural nature of The Son Jesuit as a person in God. But even if this is put in, in theory, God absolutely exists even without this world. It is easy to distinguish God from this world.

On the contrary, it is very difficult to distinguish this world from God. The world cannot continue to exist if we leave God. In other words, this world cannot be independent from God. Therefore, it is impossible to imagine the "world" separated from God, even in the case of thinking. Of course, this world is not God. However, if you try to see only this world in distinction from God, nothing really remains. Without God, the world will vanish. This is strange and weird thing. The relationship between God and this world is quite different from that of this world to God. I cannot think of this in the same way and easily separate it between them. Given these special circumstances, we must reconsider the position of God in the consciousness of people from two aspects.

(1) God is not one of many things. Usually God is considered in human consciousness as one individual, along with many things on earth, and distinguished from it. God is not the one who can show that, this, and that. Still, people tend to think that they compare God with the world in their hearts, and then choose God. But this idea is not correct. If we can put some things side by side and look at each other, we can pick one of them and say this instead. However, it is not possible to choose it from a special relation between them in the case of God and this world. Even if it is said that it chooses, it is only to take out the word "God" only in the head from a lot of words outside. The word God is one of the ordinary words. But God himself cannot be one of those things in the world. There is an illusion here. Here is an illusion.

Of course, it is a persona of the Trinity, and God is an individual gentleman in this sense, too. The relationship from God to this world and, on the contrary, from this world to God are completely different. This is called the ratio of existence (analogia). It is not possible to think about this in the same way, and to separate it easily between them. When we say that there is no limit, people feel like they have already learned something about God. However, this is only to think about something like the limit in the warm, and to deny "limit" that something ends logically in the head. In other words, something goes on endlessly, and it reminds me of the continuation. And, it is thought that it was understood that it is absolutely infinite. However, such an understanding is far from the true appearance of God. After all, one cannot think of the true form of an absolute infinite God in his heart.

This kind of thing might seem very roundabout and confusing. Some say that faith is Muchmore simple and that you don't need to think hard about anything. However, it becomes complicated by all means when it tries to live man's freedom and love seriously. You can't run away. To live with God as all of us, and to love our neighbors like ourselves, we must be free. And, the freedom which thinks only vaguely thinks as if it is possible to choose anything as it likes. That's not really the case. There is not much difference in what and how it decided in this world even if it is said that it is able to choose. It might not be so different so that it is not different to the other even if it goes out of a narrow basket if it makes it to the bird of the cage, and it flies to the place where it wants to go anywhere. From here, true freedom is a walk towards God, so to speak, touches the core of freedom.

What I want here is a kind of outlook about choosing. Whether you can choose or not, the world is not much different. It's just a difference in degree. There might be a person who thinks that it is angry when such a thing is done. In theory, however, it is not different to leave early whether you can choose or not. The size of the range that can be chosen does not determine the size of freedom. But then, what does real freedom mean?