The Successful Death

Jesus Christ lived as a human being, like everyone. He died worse, suffering worse than ordinary people. This suffering and death was not from his own inconvenience. When the sins of this world appeared in suffering and death, the Lord took it for himself. Also, the Lord, as a child of God, was completely free to accept it from himself. Ordinary people cannot survive death. There is no other way but to endure the suffering of death and no hesitate to die. Not so for Christ. Christ, the innocent son of God, took on the suffering and the death he could not have suffered on his own, as the world gave him. This death has overcome suffering and death. Until then, death and suffering were only sad manifestations of sin and its consequences. In Christ's death, people have turned into deaths of love for God and his neighbors, who "do all their heart and do all their might." Indeed, rejecting God and neighbors and living only in one's own ego is not, in fact, alive. Already dead. This transience of suffering and death was transformed into life itself on the cross, as a dedication to Christ's Son Christ's Father and neighbor. From then on, death itself came to have the exact opposite meaning. The world has come to death when a man has forsaken God and his neighbor to live in his ego. Jesus Christ made the same death, for God and his neighbor, the exact opposite of the ego, death on the cross was a sign of life. Christ's death is thus the only treasure that mankind has on earth. All other suffering and death come out of sin and return to sin. Except Christ, the Son of God, no one can go on his own and make himself all to God and his neighbors. As a result of original sin, humans are divided. You don't do what you think, you do what you don't. I do not know myself. It is human unhappiness. There is no other way to save man than to sacrifice Christ on the cross.