Christ said, "I came to serve, not to be served,"

Christ said, "I came to serve, not to be served,"

Nowadays is the era to worry about the discussion very much. However, while talking to each other, there are still points that cannot be understood by all means in the most important place of the last anywhere. No one can do anything about this. The strike itself is a abandonment of efforts to discuss and resolve. Death on the cross of Christ is meaningless if anything is solved by effort, true heart, sincerity, etc. At that time, the cross was only lacking effort and sincerity from God. Indeed, the death on the cross of Christ shows the frustrating reality that only the moments which want to understand the last most things cannot be understood by all means though everyone goes well elsewhere. This last, what I want you to understand at all costs, and that much is not possible to understand by all means, still without throwing out, but still standing to the end boldly, this is the salvation of God who accepts all the world as it is.

Christ said, "I came to serve, not to be served," and it is this serving. And, it becomes to be taken to my life in the case to receive it without throwing it out to this end. I will be completely crushed under the treatment of the other party. It says, "When you die, it's over." However, the one which starts only after it dies is real in reality. It is not a big deal to be done if you die. "Don't be afraid of killing your body but not killing your soul" (Matthew10; 28).

By then, it will collapse somewhere or he will be able to recover. In the end, they are both the same. It is a feeling that it is too much if it says so much. But Christ's passion lacks it. It was not crushed because it received it completely, and it received it all in mind. At least the revival alone, I think it was gorgeous in front of everyone, but it was not it either.

This is not the mysticism of suffering. There is no mystery in suffering itself. Medieval theology makes this point clear. Suppose there are two ways to do the same good thing. One is a painful road. one is a gentle and fun road. In this case, which one of them would be a greater achievement before God? In response, St. Thomas of Aquino says: When you think about Ascetic and training, it seems that it is more enthusiastic to choose a hard path that is not gentle, and you may feel that the merit swells are also great. But this is a little weird.

What is good depends only on the goodness of itself. Whether there is a lot of suffering to do it, it does not increase or decrease the goodness of itself. If you can still do the same thing without suffering, you should choose the way of the less painful. This is not the one that it is necessary to stand around slyly, to let the painful thing be made to the person, and to do the easy one. It's also not a good thing, or it doesn't have to be painful or difficult. However, it is foolish, and it is useless to make it difficult without doing so though it is possible to do comfortably without being difficult if it makes it normal.