It is a devilish or destructive pleasure to taste for yourself what is good about you

It is a devilish or destructive pleasure to taste for yourself what is good about you

In fact, here, there is a double of the waste.
First of all, involved in the hassle not even required in addition, it must be used for the time and effort over the extra minutes.
If we take another way, we could do the same thing without being so annoying. Second, if you don't get involved in such useless things, you will not be able to do another good thing that you would have been able to do naturally. With the extra time and devote you spent ahead of yours, you should have been able to do something better.

In fact, there is a double waste here. But if you only need this double waste, it's still better. Here comes the third devious joy. The joy which is not the evil and the way sneaks into the heart when it accomplishes the thing which does not have to be done really from man's weakness purposely.
This is a very ordinary thing as man. It's just a little disappointing. It is natural to have something good and to be happy about the good thing itself. However, it is quite another to taste for oneself that I was able to do it because I did it, and it was possible because it was me. It is a devilish or destructive pleasure to taste for yourself what is good about you.
"When you have done what you have been commanded, I'm at the bottom, until you've done what you have to do, tell me" (Luke17; 10)

When we think about it this way, we can see another aspect of Christ's passion. Christ did not aim for passion and cross from the beginning. He made a lot of effort while calling on everyone. He was calling seriously. No matter how much he said it, it was not a call to say it.
"Just as the hen gathers the chicks under his wings, I would have tried to collect you many times" (Luke 13; 34).

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not!

" Then, he sees that this effort did not bear fruit, and the Lord simply silently receives the treatment of those who do not understand. There is a completely different realism here that it is better to endure anything, and to endure suffering in an easy-to-use approach. They make every effort possible, and when all that effort is over, He'll just endure everything silently without saying anything else.
Here is the meaning that the Lord said, "I came not to be served, but to be able to use it.
God serves others. This is a serious thing. God washed people's feet. (John13; 1-20)

This is the appearance. I wonder if there is something in this world that can't be saved if I don't take it like this. The sad reality of a sinful man. This becomes very clear when you try to fix it in the Lord's parable. Man makes the son of God work in the field from morning till night. The Son of God comes home exhausted in the evening. But if we don't have time to rest, we have to cook dinner for the people. The Son of God serves while a man eats and drinks it.

While one eats and drinks it, the Son of God serves. When they finish eating, people go away with a natural face. (Luke17;7-10). Who is man? There is no offense to the other. God serves others silently without saying anything. People make it good and do all their own things. God serves man to the end. That saved the world. But if we don't let God serve him (the smallest one, if we don't serve him, it's the same thing), then we can't save people.
What the hell is wrong with you?