This is not a matter of discrimination

According to the Bible and the teachings of the Church, the salvation of Christ must be extended to all. In a word, the church should not become a closed society limited to a certain character, a certain type, excellent education, and a rich life only to a certain people. This is very painful as an organization which tries to unite in one. Even if it is a school, it does not think about the difference of the ability, and it does not become a school if it permits admission to anyone. The reason is that a certain child does not go to the school if such a thing is done. This is not a matter of discrimination. It is that there is no help for it as a natural flow. But the church must be open to all. Those who believe in Christ must fight fiercely against their inclinations, trying to shut themselves up only where they like. The Gospel tries to avoid the idea that only a particularly good person is good. Paul also strongly insists that people are not saved because they are respectable. The Lord jesus is also very involved with the "sinners and taxmen" who were abhorrent from the Jewish community at that time. Some people of hearts stumbled upon seeing this. "Many tax collectors and sinners came and were at their dinner table with Jesus and his disciples" (Matthew9; 10)。

This is not a group of such people. From the Gospels, you cannot draw out something like a fixed personality or type of people who have gathered around the Lord. The church itself is said to be open to everyone. It is open to the poor, especially those who are not accepted by anyone, "sick people who need doctors.". "The joyand and hope of modern man, sorrow and suffering, especially those of the poor and those suffering all, are also joys, hopes, sorrows, and sufferings of Christ's disciples. This community is aware that it is actually deeply connected to humanity and its history.

(Constitutio pastoralis de ecclesia in mundo huius