It resembles the life of Moses

Yet another look at the texts about Christ's childhood shows that it resembles the life of Moses in the Old Testament period.
It is said that Jesus is the new moses. The people of Israel were rescued from the painful life of slaves in Egypt under the guidance of Moses. This was actually saved from the slaves of sin by Jesus. It is a true prototype of salvation. In addition, the story of Christ's early years teaches that Jesus is the son of Abraham, the son of David, and the true king of the throne of King David. The story of the Lord's childhood is also linked to the Passion of Christ. The author is thinking based on Golgotha's cross. So it incorporates a tragic element that reminds us of the fate of the cross from the beginning. The young child Jesus is not accepted from King Herod or his son Alkerao.According to Matthew, all the people of Jerusalem were amazed at the news that the Messiah was born (Matthew 2-3). There is also an explanation that he was worried that Herod would be robbed of his throne. However, I do not think that the people of Jerusalem living in the Old Testament faith were surprised to hear that the long-awaited Savior had come. In other words, this means that the Jewish people later reject the Savior and crucify it, which has already appeared as a suspicious premonition from the beginning of the Savior's life. "
(Schmauth, Church Faith, 1 513-516).