3 The public life of the Lord Jesus

What kind it was the public life of Jesus Christ?
This is important for Christology. So far we have seen the gospel telling about the birth of Christ and his childhood. It stands on faith presupposing Christ's resurrection and teaches that Christ is God. So what is there to the public life that articulates to distress, death, and resurrection?As for the period of public life, we considered about the age of Jesus before.Every gospel's descriptions of the age and time all have a lot of great theological significance.It does no such thing only represent the age or time.

So it's difficult to calculate a clear time from there.
For example, at the miracle of increasing bread, it appears that there were grass, or that the disciples plucked and ate wheat ears elsewhere. Based on this, green grass grows, and it is possible to determine (measure) the time when wheat will grow. But is it really possible to figure out the correct time that way? It is a difficult problem. Not so much in the case of wheat ears.
However, when it comes to a miracle that increases bread, it is quite complicated what this miracle itself is all about. It is very suspicious how much it has meaning to think where it happened.