Jesus is the Son of God (the Father), the Deity of Christ.

(6) It is not possible to decide now when it is historical or not. the character of this story, we can say as follows.Well, now I would like to think about the meaning of this story, which is why the author taken this boy Jesus in the temple for here.

1)And from a 12-year-old boy in the temple, and professional scholars in the middle with the teaching of the Bible and all the scholars marveled. This already teaches that Jesus had been a great figure since he was a boy. In this respect, it is not so different from the story that decorates the age of other heroes and great boys.

 2)This story got gather about the part of the story of his birth,finally.
It is a kind of general summary. To the boy, the learned about the Bible that is not similar. This again emphasizes that Jesus, even as a boy, was not a wolf man.

 3) Juvenile Jesus says, "It is natural for me to be in my father's house." He
teaches that Jesus is the Son of God (the Father) that is, the Deity of Christ.