The immature disciples that appeared in the gospel

This fact, in turn, causes the people who read the Bible and wish the grace of God's revelation to think of something like a precondition for that. It is an effort for everyone to work on each other, as well as the whole of the place of life in which they are belonging to. This comes from the kind of constitution that Christ's salvation has.
I want to give up this detailed explanation later.

Christ's salvation was to put the immature disciples that appeared in the gospel into a very tough world from the beginning, and in any case to keep the missionary activity going. This is a historical fact. It is not only unbeatable to persecution of the Roman Empire and heresy of Gnosis. On that occasion, it further expanded and spread. The loneliness that rivals anything on earth is remarkable. There is a place like a spirit of severe spirits. There is like a breath of hard spirits.

Christ's salvation was to put the immature disciples that appeared in the gospel into a very tough world from the beginning, and in any case to keep the missionary activity going. This is a historical fact. It is not only unbeatable to persecution of the Roman Empire and heresy of Gnosis. On that occasion, it further expanded and spread. The loneliness that rivals anything on earth is remarkable. There is a place like a spirit of severe spirits. There is a kind of obsession that Christians at the time had. There must be power in Christ's death and resurrection to select those who are poor and lonely in this world and have them make all the opposition and preaching the gospel without difficulty. Any for-profit business seems to work a bit better at first, but it usually disappears along the way. Make a profit, make money
That is one of the great concerns for humans.

Everyone wants to do something, earn money, and wants to make money. I will try various things, but I will stop on the way if the situation becomes difficult. Few people have the obsession to make the business a success. The obsessiveness of being able to go through it is not enough. Thinking this way, when the Early Church started to move to the whole world, and thinking without giving so much persecution, it was in Jesus Christ's reality that something that could be thrown out was life. It is true. This is well expressed in Paul's letter. It's a kind of fierce obsessiveness that keeps stepping on when and where you are placed and working with that reality, which is what we have called the "constitution of salvation" earlier.