The homogeneity

As long as God's salvation is of this kind of constitution, when reading the Bible that announces the salvation itself, it is necessary for the person himself to work seriously with his own real life and seriousness, it will be. What has been written is the idea of ​​the person who wrote it, and it must be understood from the circumstances in which it had to be written. Unless the person who reads it has the same quality of life as it comes out, the reader can not at least receive it as given. This homogeneity, in the other words, as the homogeneity of the first church that has come to write the Bible, on the part of the reader who reads the Bible, the actual effort to seriously work with his real life is taken this time.Without it, the salvation that you only think in the person's heart falls into an unrealistic dream of being able to live comfortably somehow. In the end, both the interpretation of the Bible and the understanding of the faith go wild.