Ojoh's long-range story

What to think or how to conceive of religious matters

A painful life for the previous 70 years of mission was necessary. In particular, in order to understand and accept this public life and the cross of the Lord in its true form and meaning. This first 70 years was a tough time, far different from the current Catholic Church which has already been scrutinized in terms of doctrines and practices. At the time when the doctrines were not yet established, it must be that they did not know very well what to think or how to conceive of religious matters.

And the fascinating teachings of Gnosis, the long lasting and severe persecutions, and on top of that, the various struggles within the church that can be seen in Paul's letter, etc.
Each was a big deal. While dealing with these difficult problems, Christ's teachings have been reconsidered in it, and then taught in different forms and ways according to the needs at that time.
What belongs to the real faith and what is not is gradually being recognized in real life. There was a sort of "choice" coming from the reality of life. It can be said that the New Testament is now in its present form as this is accumulated.

Is Jesus Christ's life, death and resurrection in Revelation itself.
But the reality of this salvation is not clearly stated, fallacy of the New Testament, revelation in the form of interpretation before the actual live Gospel of life for yourself, also was fighting to preaching the Gospel of salvation to the people living in "desperately" needed. 

It is a bit weird to say that it was necessary. Because it is a god, it would be good if God could tell the right thing and write it to somebody. It does not mean that it is not necessary to spend 70 years of hard work on the Almighty God.

However, the book of revelation given in reality is largely determined from the missionary effort and battle in the real life of the Early Church. In other words, in order for the gospels, Paul's letters, and the New Testament to be written out as they are now, the First Church had to have a real life of battle and effort to survive that time. Working on real problems and doing little or nothing, but still trying to manage it, the present figure of the New Testament was not born. It is only what has been written that way because it could only be written.