The truth of the Deity of Christ

(7) So far, from the point of view, the story of the boy Jesus is in the middle from Paul's letter to the Gospel of John. This is the first teaching of John (John 1-1-18). The clear theological wording of this so-called logos theology was still lacking at Luke. But the author of Luke tries to express the same thing in another form.

That is, From the birth to the story of the boy Jesus. This Jesus is a real person and a god. And that he is the only child of God's Father. Everyone has been to believe in the church from the beginning. But it took a considerable amount of time before this faith could be formulated into theologically clear words, as seen in the beginning of the Gospel of John. It gradually builds up with the times, and the appearances of Paul's letter, Mark, Matthew and Luke, and finally John appear at each time.
In Luke, we can see more as an expression than Paul writes about the divinity of Jesus Christ.

Paul still only briefly conveys the truth of the Deity of Christ, the foundation and pillar of faith. As for the way of expressing, they all travel as short as telegrams. For example, "death", "resurrection", "figure of slave" (Piripi 2-7) so forth. However, at Luke, it has already been more than 20 years since Paul's time. During this time, expressions have become quite rich. The divinity of Christ was shining during his lifetime on earth, No.. Referring to various events, saying that He was already full of the radiance of God from the time of birth, He will try to make a statement. This is an extension of the faith that Paul wrote in the letter, or something like its natural conclusion.