The genealogy of the Lord

(8) As a general summary of the birth of the Lord Jesus, I have explained that the story of the 12-year-old boy Jesus is in place. Finally, I would like to quote some of Schmau's text on this.
"There has been a lot of debate about the Lord's childhood until now. The opinions are divided into two. One is that it is a idiot that has neither roots nor leaves. But in fact, that said If you do not understand the theological intentions and literary patterns that convey it, you can not know the true thing, and it is said that the part from birth to childhood also conveys faith as a part of the Gospel Written for the purpose, that is why Matthew realized that the prophecy from the Old Testament period was fulfilled and realized throughout the life of the Lord Jesus.

Luke had the childhood of Jesus, its passion and resurrection In order to express this, Luka uses the method of Midrash, which was generally used at that time, to explain it, which is easier to understand based on religious things, Actual life It refers to a method that will be described to help. We lay the foundations of facts in the Bible, on which we freely develop ideas, usually in the form of poetry, and apply them to the life of faith. The important thing here is the meaning of the birth of Jesus and the salvation of childhood. ...... In the genealogy of the Lord (1-17 of Matthew i, 23-38 of Luke iii), It is a thing which it tried to show that the Lord Jesus is the man from God who controls the history of humanity .

It does not seem that this genealogy actually conveys the bloodline connection of the Jesus family. This genealogy is going to say a little more another thing. It is said that it is God's Father who led the history of humanity and led to salvation in His Son Jesus..