1 What the Lord talked about

Compared to his childhood, the Gospels appear to be much more detailed and much written about public life. But if you read the public life part carefully, you will find that it is not always the case. Again, this is not a series of stories that continue from the beginning to the end. Also, the relationship between time and time is not clear.
Just because It was written earlier is not necessarily something that happened first.
It is from another idea that it is arranged as it is now. Then, only the idea comes to light.

Furthermore, none of the four Gospels was written by anyone who directly saw and heard the life of the Lord Jesus. Sometimes there is a clear sign that people who did not know even Palestinian geography wrote it. So even if you read the gospels, you can not say that everything happened as it is written. It must be understood that the three doctoral students and angel choirs also teach that the born infant is a god, rather than having been true.

And this conviction that this infant is a god does not come from the wonders of the three Doctors, the movement of the stars, the choir of angels, and so on. It is coming from the resurrection of the Lord. The same is true for the part of the Lord's public life. Most of the materials that are the basis of the descriptions of public life are old traditions. There is no doubt that the last 12 disciples came from the life they lived with the Lord. But this is something that you have to look at each and every one of the sources. In other words, it is generally necessary to refrain from making a rough judgment.