In the Gospel, similar to "The Tale of ISE" can be found.

The material before Marco can be divided into roughly three groups. A group is, for convenience, there remains a trace in which things of the same shape and character are collected, and we think from that.
(1) First, what gathered the words of Christ. The parable can be a group again. All of this was collected as a reference for the reasoning and sermons. The circumstances at that time, such as the problems that the church had to deal with, are well represented here. Even if you think about "Sermon on the Mount" and parables, it seems that only what you really need is gradually collected and stored.

In the early churches, it was necessary to write down and save such materials since Peter and Paul were martyred. There are roughly two reasons for this. On the one hand, 12 disciples, the church's breadwinners, died and the number of people who experienced the Lord's resurrection directly decreased. On top of that, the end of the world, which I thought was coming soon, is unlikely to come through. So even in the church, the idea of becoming the end of the world was renewed, and the system was set up to work for preaching whenever the world continued.

Therefore, it has become necessary to write down certain things about the basics of faith as well. And from the other side, the church had spread out to the countryside and had to train people who would work in the new church. To those who was elected priests in their churches,it will be necessary to hand over something like in the form of memos. They are Liturgy and preaching ,Missionary Manual, and basics such as teaching and managing the church.

For these two reasons, relatively easy-to-use parables and other occasional words spoken by Christ are being written down gradually. Then, in the Bible, in the case of the Gospel, for example, comparative literature similar to "The Tale of ISE" can be found.
In "The Tale of ISE", the song came first, and a short explanation was added around it. The explanation of that addition develops to various narrative literature with the times. Even in the gospels, there was something like the Lord's teachings at the beginning, around which there was a single narrative.
At least, such tracks are seen.