The figure of the Apostles

B) The figure of the Apostles

What is called to the apostles is to say and pass on the kingdom of God in the name of the Lord Christ, and to work for the salvation of men. This is the so-called authority of the called person. This authority is, as it is, an obligation to do everything for the sake of human salvation. There is no such thing as authority over duty. So the authority as an Apostle also does not include the personal merits or benefits. On the contrary, there is nothing left for myself as a person who lives for the sake of people alone, or nothing will be left for giving to the bottom of the bottom. Only loneliness as oneself remains. Just as a normal person, it can not be so easily done for those who are not themselves. I want to leave something for myself. At least I feel like I have served so much, I just want to keep it. If nothing remains, it seems like a loss and it can not be helped. Here is the path of purification, where what was called as an Apostle walks first. In the gospels, the disciples have repeatedly disputed who among them can be the greatest. The Lord repeatedly said that he had to be like a child every time, or that he was "the only person who would serve everyone."

C) Resurrection of the Lord and the Church

The believers awoke to that mission, and bravely began to live in the preaching of the gospel, after having been given to the resurrection of Christ and receiving the gift of the descendent of the Holy Spirit. The Acts of the Apostles tells us that they had changed as if they were different before and after the resurrection of the Lord. However, not all people who took part in the resurrection of the Lord became the Apostles. After all, along with that being called from the Lord can not be scolded to be an apostle. The resurrected Lord gives the disciples all things in the church.The disciples will go out to the whole world as apostles, and will convey the gospel of salvation received from the Lord to the end of the earth and to the end of the world. The Lord sends the Holy Spirit for this purpose. The salvation of the world is the mission of the Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit is the Savior's spirit. Therefore, it is essential to receive the Holy Spirit as you work for salvation as an Apostle. This is clear from the beginning of the work of the Apostles with the birth of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2; 14).