The Passion of God - Affirmation of Human Reality

The Passion of God - Affirmation of Human Reality
Usually, there are two types of thinking when it comes to salvation in general.
"Re-world type" The first thing anyone can think of is to improve this world.

The first thing anyone comes up with is to improve this world. The one which does not hear even if it says is pressed by force to ask the bad place, to peep the one which gets in the way, and to say. It is a so-called reform.
Most of the time, Because the system of politics and the mechanism of the economy are hardened, the world is discussed so that it does not improve if this is not crushed once. It becomes a confrontation of power in the end though it is said that it is a discussion etc.
It is a revolution.

leaven type
But here's another way of thinking. This is the place where we affirm the state as it is and accept it in our lives. In church history, this is the way to go to Saint Dominic, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Ignatius of Loyola, etc. It is a completely different direction from religious revolutions such as Luther. To the last, I affirm the way the church of that era should be. Instead of wandering around, I live the teachings of the gospel myself in the church at that time.

If you think about it now, both the first way and the second way are both very profitable for the Catholic Church. Of course, Luther was one of the leaders in the fight against the Catholic Church. Many people were dragged by this. It is a big wound for the church. But even so, the Catholic Church benefits greatly from the new religion. There are many things that I got from there. But the problem is not determined by the amount of profit and loss. All of the Church is in salvation by the Passion of the Lord Jesus Christ and the death of the Cross. Christ's salvation is all about the church. The only salvation is the death on the cross filled with the Passion of Christ and his shame.

What is it that ignores this and the church itself follows the path of power and glory both politically and economically? For the church, the path of glory and power is by no means bad. The only problem is the salvation of Jesus Christ. It is a little impossible to manage this salvation, which is the life of Christ, the Son of God, with only political administration and financial efforts. Of course, for the church that lives in this world, administration and finance are indispensable. But at the same time, God's salvation is not something that can be built only by the administrative and financial skills of the world. In this sense, inside the church
exodus is required. That must be done.