Father's massage

Father's message
According to the Gospels, all the events in the Passion are not solely due to the will and desire from the human side. For this reason, here too, it is impossible to avoid feelings of contradiction when considering the relationship between God's providence and human freedom. However, those who wrote the gospel do not feel any such contradiction. Even so, the people who come to the Lord's Passion, crucified Jesus, the son of Heaven, determined by Heavenly Father, from the priest, the law, elder, Pilate, and the traitor Judah. In order to play a role faithfully. There is nothing that doesn't seem like a puppet. Of course, the Gospel says that you have to take responsibility for it because it was what you did. However, in order for the Father's plan to be realized, the Son of Jesus must betrayed. For that, someone who betrays is needed. However, it is said that the person who betrayed it was better not to be born.

As a whole, the person who attaches Jesus to the cross is pushed behind. And it is emphasized that it is Heavenly Father who manages everything so that everything will be as determined by himself. Human beings do so without being aware of it by the direction of the Father. “Father, please forgive them. They don't know what they are doing” (Luke 23; 34).
Jesus gave it to God according to his plan and foresight,
You killed him by crucifying him with the hands of unlawful people (Acts 2; 23). This actually shows three things.

Jesus' death was an embarrassing thing, the punishment of the cross.
Therefore, the embarrassing death on the cross is the embarrassment and ugliness of sin committed by humans.
There is a third thing behind this. No matter how hard it is, human beings cannot come out of the framework of God's thoughts and plans. This belief is the basis of Christ's entire Passion.