Obedience of the Son

2 Obedience of the Son

It was because of the endless love of the Trinity that God the Father sent him to death on his only son, the Jesus Cross. The Son lived this love and walked unquestionably on the path to the painful cross within obedience. However, this step seems to be totally unrelated to love in reality. It was only a painful road to be abandoned and embarrassed by the people around us. Nevertheless, this is not just about the tragedy of destiny or the blind treatment of those who are not afraid of God. In the back of the ruthless people who did not understand the story, Jesus took a clear view of the Father and accepted it completely. The Gospels are trying to portray all of them and portray the image of Christ who is quietly underwhelmed by his ridicule, without being surprised by people's incomprehension and dishonesty.

The Passion of Christ itself is something that people set out from around. But the last source from which it came out is the love of the will of Heavenly Father. The Son of Jesus Jesus Christ walks powerfully with the purpose of his love. According to the Bible, no matter how powerful the people around you are and how much you jump to Jesus, they all bring the Father's love for the Son, and the Son is saved in the Father's love. It is only a supporting role for fulfilling.
But this isn't just a challenge. When the Lord had already been baptized by the Savior John
It appears clearly.“Now I want you to be baptized. It is appropriate for us to fulfill all the right things in this way” (Matthew 3; 15). The Lord has refused from the beginning of his public life to “turn down and worship all the nations and their glory” (Matthew 4; 1-11) when the Lord predicted his suffering and death by his disciples , Peter said there is no such thing
Bullying the Lord. At that time, the Lord answered very severely. "Draw down, Satan. You do not think of God, you are thinking of people." Marco 8; 33. Passion is very painful from the world. Still, it's not just God's desire to endure it. Passion himself is "God".

“Jesus was the last thing Jesus was trying to escape in Jerusalem, when Jesuits shone on a high mountain and shone, and Moses and Elias appeared and talked with the Lord.
From this point of view, the passion itself is almost pure love of the Father and the Son. Not even a sign of love. Love itself. The expression of love is only the sign of love that is hidden behind the path of suffering that can be seen in the table. But the Gospel says more directly that the Passion of Christ itself is the love of the Father and the Son. Those who honor the Lord will do their best. And just the love of God will be fulfilled there. Everyone doesn't know what's actually going on, and it feels like they're just making a noise saying “win, win”.
“They don't know what they are doing” (Luke 23; 34).